MITS Discover has the ability to add columns from one hypercube to a report based on another hypercube. This ability requires your content to have been standardized by MITS. Generally speaking this will only be an issue for customers who have upgraded from an older version of MITS Discover and have not yet had their content standardized. Newer customers or customers with newer content will already have this feature by default.
If you don't have the feature described below (and your MITS administrator has verified you have the correct permissions), contact your MITS support provider for assistance.
Pulling data from an external hypercubes allows you to do analysis across hypercubes. To add columns from external hypercubes, open or create a report. Click on the Columns button in the report menu. Scroll to the bottom of the list of available columns and find the section labeled "Columns from other hypercubes."
Opening this section will show tree all of the available cubes and columns. You can select these columns just as you would any other column. However not all columns will contain data. Only if the column is related to the current drill down will there be data. For example, Available Quantity will display zeros if the drill down path is not inventory related, such as Sales Rep or Bill To Customer.
Here is a example of a typical report on the SALES cube showing the top ten products by sales dollars for the year.
To that report, we've added an available on hand quantity column from the INVENTORY hypercube and an open unit count from the OPEN ORDERS cube. Now we know which of our top selling products we need to purchase.
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