There are several keyboard shortcuts in TDF Desktop. To access a list of these keyboards shortcuts, from anywhere in TDF Desktop, you can press the F1 key.
- F1 - Display this screen: Displays the keyboard shortcut help screen.
F2 – Re-caption a field: Allows you to provide an alias (a different name) for a field.
F3 – Launch the Global Search: Launches the Global Search to allow you to search through Items and Records in TdF in a central place.
F4 – Launch Favorites: Launches a Favorites Grid.
F5 – Refresh the grid data
Control + F5 – Refresh the focused row: Refreshes the currently selected row. If you “Save and Close” a Record or Item, the grid is not updated until it is refreshed. Refreshing the selected row can save time if you have a grid with a lot of data.
F6 – Manage the current Grid View: Launches Grid Manager.
F7 – Display an image viewer for any image files attached to this TDF item: If there are any attached images, F7 launches an image viewer that allows you to view any of the image attachments quickly.
F8 – Display a quick column visibility editor: Launches a screen that shows you all “hidden” and all “visible” columns. You can hide or reveal any of the columns and change the order they appear in from here.
F9 – Displays the Grid Style Editor (Requires Global Grid Admin Rights): Display Grid Style Editor that allows you to create conditions in which certain cells or rows are highlighted or where the font is displayed differently.
Control + Shift + F – Display the Find Panel: With the Find Panel displayed, you can search the entire grid (any row or column) for the instance of a string of letters or a specific word.
Control + Shift + O – Launch the selected items in a Navigator: With several items selected in a grid, this shortcut allows you to launch all the items in Navigator instead of having to “Right Click”, “Open in Navigator”.
Insert – Quickly add a column before the currently focused column: Allows you to search for and add a column before the focused (selected) column.
Control + Alt + C – Copy linking information to the clipboard: This shortcut allows you to copy either the link to the TDF Desktop Item/Record, the TDF Web Item/Record, or both. This “link” is then paste-able in Word, Outlook Email, and some chat applications. This allows you to quickly send a link to another user.
Control + Shift + H – Hide all columns to the right of the currently focused column
Alt + M – Launch the Mass Update dialog (If you have rights): Used to launch the Mass Update utility if you have rights to it.
Control + Q – Close a TDF Item
Control + S – Save a TDF Item
Control + Shift + S – Save and Close a TDF Item
Control + Shift + R – Re-open your most recently opened TDF Item
Control + R – Launch the Recent Items Grid
Control + Shift + V – Show a list of Grid Views in a new window: A helpful utility if you have Items or Records that contain a lot of grid views. This allows you to search through all the views that exist for a Record or Item. You can then click the yellow folder to open (load) the desired grid view.
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