While logged in as an Administrator, navigate to Administration > Control Panel > Document Storage tab.
Document Storage Tab
Document storage allows you to store documents in a database, eliminating the need to create open and save paths in the Manage Users area, and the need for shared folders on your network. Also, anyone with access to an account, has access to any documents saved in the Documents area. To have this option turned on, you will need to contact support@whitecupsolutions.com
To set up the Document Storage option, you will first have to create a database in the Document Storage tab. The Sherpa Administrator can create the database if the SQL Username in step 2 has system admin rights on the SQL server. This is assigned in SQL Server Management Studio in the main security section on the SQL Server under the Users Properties/Server Roles.
Once the database is created the rights can be adjusted back to Public. It is recommended the Sherpa Administrator discuss this database creation with their IT Director prior to enabling this feature. This new database will need to be added to a database backup routine, and the IT Director will need to verify server space for document storage.
- Click Create Database.
- Choose Same Location as Sherpa Database or Custom Location. Same Location will gray out the SQL Server Credentials fields and auto fill the Sherpa Database information. Custom Location will allow you to enter in the server credentials. Click Create.
- Click the Test Connection button to test the connection and make sure the connection is working.
- If you need to make changes, you can type directly into the fields and click the Save Changes button to save your changes.
- Check the Turn Document Storage On check box to enable the feature.
Click the Bookmark Templates tab to set up templates for users to access.
- Click the Add button and a form will come up.
- Click the Select File button and browse to the template file
- Give it a name that the users will recognize. You can also fill out a version or description.
- Choose which areas they will be able to populate it from. When populating templates, they will only see what is available based on what is checked.
- The Active box defaults to checked so the users can access the template. Uncheck to remove from users' view.
- Click OK to save or Cancel to exit and not save.
You will then see the Active templates on the front page. Here you can manage the templates that users have access to.
If you would like to update or make changes to any template, it is recommended to download the file and save it locally as a backup, just in case the newly updated template does not work for some reason. Then open the file and use the Save As function to save a copy of the file under another name. Once complete, add the new template to the Bookmark Templates section as a new template. Either delete or uncheck the Active checkbox to remove it from the users' view.
- Highlight a template from the list and click Delete to remove it.
- Check the Show Inactive Templates checkbox to view templates that are not marked Active.
- Click Update File next to the template you wish to override with an updated template (not recommended)
- Click Download to save the file locally.
Last modified 10/4/2023
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