While logged in as an Administrator, navigate to Administration > Control Panel > Merge tab.
This is a feature that allows Sherpa Administrators to merge multiple company records together. The Left-hand side of the screen will show the first 10,000 accounts, alphabetically. If you have more than 10,000 accounts, you will see a Load All button. If you click that it will load all accounts.
As with all the other grid views in Sherpa, you can filter by typing in the space above each column, click on the column headers to sort by that column, and move the columns by clicking and dragging the columns to different positions. Also, if the Merge Account check box was selected in the Accounts Tab, you will see a Y in the Merge Accounts column. And right clicking on the row will also give you the option to "Go to Account".
- Select the Primary Account (the one you want to keep and merge other accounts into) on the left by double clicking to move it to the right, or, clicking and dragging it.
- Then select the account on the left that you want to merge INTO the primary account by clicking and dragging it over the account name on the right. You will see a green arrow and the accounts listed under the primary account.
- To remove an account that has been placed under the primary account, or to remove a primary account, click and drag it back to the left side of the screen. Dragging the primary account back to the left will also remove all the secondary accounts.
- If you want to change secondary account to the primary, right click the account and choose the Make Primary option.
- If you want to go to an account, right click the account and choose the Go to Account option.
- Check the box(s) next to the account(s) you want to Merge. Or use the settings drop down to Uncheck All.
- You now under settings have an option of running a Clean List – This will remove accounts from the merge list where; (a) The primary account has an ERP number and the secondary account has a different ERP number from the primary account and (b) the primary account has no secondary accounts.
- Click the "Merge" button and all information (contacts, activities, vertical marketing check boxes, TCO equipment, proposals, opportunities, etc. will be merged).
After Clicking the Merge button, you will get a warning with the number of accounts you are about to merge and asking you to confirm, as there is no “undo” option.
- If using Intelligent Device Mapper, and the map was not on the primary account, maps will not be moved. You will have to re-import the map and place the equipment on the map in the primary account.
- If merging a Parent Company record into a Non-Parent Company record, it will NOT reclassify the Non-Parent as a Parent.
- If the account being merged into the main account has an ERP # listed on it, and the main account does not, that ERP # will be added to the main account.
- If both accounts have an ERP #, the one on the main account will be maintained. If the accounts have different main account information (company name, address, main phone number, etc.) on the top of the account page, the main account you are merging into is the information that is maintained. However, the secondary address is added to the Additional
- Addresses tab, in the Accounts tab.
- A completed activity will also be automatically created under the main account with a list of the accounts that were merged in and when.
- Contacts will be duplicated even if the same contact exists in both accounts.
- In TCO, it will look for a same serial number and will not duplicate the machine record, however if the serial numbers do not match it will duplicate the machine.
- If both accounts have different Named Reps listed to them, the rep on the secondary account will be then listed as an additional named rep on the new main account.
- If there is information in the Notes area on the main page, the secondary accounts notes will be added under the primary account’s notes.
Load Merge List: The Load Merge List button will look for a same or similar account based on which option you choose. The search will look at the first 20 characters of the name and the first 6 of the address and give you a list of results. This will ignore spaces, dashes, slashes, and any characters other than letters and numbers to give you the best result.
When searching company name it will also ignore the terms "incorporated, inc, llc, and pty". When searching address, it will match off abbreviations for Street (st), Avenue (ave), Drive (dr), and Road (rd).
- Choose the criteria you want to search by and the list will load. Also, clicking the None option will clear the entire list from the left.
- Remove a company that populates on the right, click and drag back to the left.
- Just like the above once you have the correct list, click the Merge Button.
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