There are several optional modules and features in Sherpa that can help your team maximize your return on investment utilizing your Pontrelli Marketing data. Below are some suggestions to help you get started. Pick and choose the suggestions and modules that will work best for your business practices.
To request any of the modules referenced below, please email All of the modules listed below are free enhancement modules with no charge to turn on for your team.
For additional questions on how to use the features in Sherpa, please email
Targeting Contacts
We suggest utilizing the Contact Rank field in the contacts tab of Sherpa to help classify and data mine your contacts for better targeted marketing campaigns.
Basic Level:
Contact Rank is a dropdown/free-type field in Sherpa. This means a user in Sherpa can either select an option from the dropdown list provided, or they can free-type in a different Contact Rank.
For the purposes of easier filtering, we suggest encouraging your team to use the dropdown menu selections. A Sherpa Administrator is able to customize this list to include whatever ranks you would like. This is done in Admin > Control Panel > Edit Various Lists by clicking on “Contact Rank.”
Once your team is utilizing Contact Rank, you can then use this in Sherpa Navigator to pull targeted contact lists. I can find all my Economic Buyers or all my Meter Contacts, etc. I can filter my list and export to Excel to get my contact list with email addresses for each.
Advanced Level:
We have two additional modules you can use to enhance the use of Contact Rank for targeting contacts.
- “New Contact Rank Fields” – This module adds 2 additional Contact Rank fields (labeled Contact Rank 2 and Contact Rank 3). This gives you three fields on each contact to track criteria you might want to use for targeted marketing. Contact Rank 2 and Contact Rank 3 can have different or the same drop down options set than the regular Contact Rank field in the Admin > Control Panel. Contact Rank 2 and Contact Rank 3 are available in the Contacts tab grid, on the Add/Edit Contact form, in the Direct Marketing Export (see Direct Marketing Export section below), and in the Navigator data pull ‘Account and Contacts.’
- “Add Contact Rank to Filter and Acct Search” – This module works only for the first Contact Rank field, not for Contact Ranks 2 and 3 mentioned above. But, it is a helpful tool for additional targeted marketing datamining. I can combine a filter on the Contact Rank field with other filters, such as on Account Classification, to get a list of Accounts meeting that criteria. In the example below, I want to find all of my MPS Prospects that have a Technical Buyer contact listed, and have a marketing export I can then use to contact them.
When I click “Filter,” I’ll get a list of accounts matching my criteria. I can work from my filter list to view each Technical Buyer listed on the Contacts tab, or I can use the Direct Marketing Export or Bulk Activity Creation options to target these accounts in bulk.
Utilizing Account Classifications
Most Sherpa users utilize Account Classifications to some extent. It’s important to remember that Account Classifications are entirely customizable by your Sherpa Admin (in Administration > Control Panel > Edit Various Lists > Account Classification), and can be used for far more than flagging a current client. Your Pontrelli Marketing data will help you segment and target particular customers and prospects, and using Account Classifications to track those different segments will speed up your marketing and lead follow-ups.
Basic Level:
Set up Account Classifications for the segments/targets you want to focus on. After creating the Account Classification in the system, encourage your team to mark them on appropriate accounts and use Account Classifications in the Filter area for quick datamining.
Sherpa Admins can also use the Bulk Account Classification tool (in the Administration menu) to add or remove Account Classifications to many accounts at once.
You can also use the “Acct Classifications” button in Navigator to assign Account Classifications in bulk.
Use your Account Classifications for easy filtering. I want to find a list of my Current Clients who are also an MPS Prospect – I can use the “AND” operator in the Account Filter and pull that list.
NOTE: The “NOT” operator in the Account Filter works as an “and not,” meaning if you select “NOT” with more than one classification, it will give you a list of accounts that do not have all of the classifications listed.
We have a module available that allows assigning and unassigning of Account Classifications by Excel import.
- “Acct Classification Excel Import” – Gives ability to mass update (check) a particular Account Classification via an Excel file loaded into Sherpa while unassigning that Account Classification from all other accounts. The module gives you an option in Account > Account Tools called “Update Accnt Classifications.” You’ll select an Account Classification from the drop down, and then click “Select File” to select your Excel file. The tool will take Column A of that Excel file and match on ERP number to accounts in Sherpa. Any account matching an ERP number will get the selected classification assigned, and the classification will be unassigned from all other accounts in Sherpa.
- “Account Classification Import DUNS” – This is an add-on module to the above. It gives a second dropdown selector on the Update Acct Classifications pop-up for ERP number of DUNS. You will select which option you want to match on (always in Column A of the import spreadsheet), and then select your Account Classification and select your file as normal.
Other Suggestions
- Utilize the “Referred By” field on the account in Sherpa to mark if a new lead is added from a certain source. This field is filterable in many areas across the system. “Group Name” can be used similarly to set up filterable groups of whatever your team would like.
- Use the “Lead Generator” field on Opportunities in Sherpa to mark if an opportunity stemmed from a marketing campaign. You can then look at closed and lost opportunities from a particular Lead Generator.
- Use the Direct Marketing Export in Sherpa. This is a tool you can turn on or off per user in Administration > Manage Users > Add/Edit Users.
For users with this option enabled, they will see the Direct Marketing Export at the top of their Account Search and Account Filter results screens.
Click this button and it will ask you to select a location to save the export (such as your desktop or a network location). It will then output a CSV file named “Direct Marketing Export [today’s date]” to the location selected. Open this file to get a list of all contacts on the accounts in your search or filter results screen. You’ll have email address easily available for all contacts, and can use filtering in Excel to target specific contacts as well if desired.
- Attend a webinar on Sherpa Navigator, and/or encourage your team to watch the pre-recorded training videos on Sherpa Navigator and Sherpa Account Filter. Live webinars, pre-recorded training videos, and full user manuals can be accessed on our Support Portal:
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