The purpose of the Purge Items utility is used to permanently delete records and items from Tour de Force. When a record or item is deleted in a Tour de Force grid, a deletion flag is marked on that record or item but the record or item is not deleted from the database. The Purge Items utility is used to delete those records or items flagged for deletion from the database.
The Purge Items utility is accessed through the Administration Console and can only be used by Administrative users of Tour de Force. Before using the Purge Items utility a backup of the database should be created in case a record or item that was deleted should have not been deleted.
This technical bulletin contains the following sections:
- Overview of the Purge Item Utility
- Accessing the Purge Item Utility
- Using the Purge Item Utility
Note: Read the documentation completely before using the Purge Item utility.
Overview of the Purge Items Utility
When a record or item is deleted from Tour de Force, that record or item is flagged for deletion in the database but not permanently deleted. In order to completely remove a record or item that is flagged for deletion, the Purge Items utility must be used to permanently delete that record or item from the database. Once a record or item is deleted using the Purge Items utility that record or item cannot be recovered unless a backup of the database has been created prior to the purge.
The Purge Item utility is divided into two sections:
- The Purge Criteria section
- The records and items grid section
The first section of the Purge Items utility is the Purge Criteria section. This section is used to set the parameters of the search function for the records and items that need to be deleted.
The Purge Criteria section contains the following fields:
- Item Type – This field is used to specify which item type contains the records or items that need to be deleted.
- Account Package – This field is used to specify what Account Packages to search in when looking for the record or item type, selected in the Item Type field that is flagged for deletion.
- Active/Inactive Filter – Checking the Active Items field filters out any inactive items from the search criteria and only displays active items in the records and items grid. Checking the Inactive Items field filters out any active items from the search criteria and only displays inactive items in the records and items grid.
Note: If the Active Items and Inactive Items fields are left unchecked, then both Active and Inactive items display in the records and items grid.
- Date Field – This field is used to choose which type of date field to use when filtering by a date criteria. The date fields available are the date fields located on the form of the item type selected.
The From and To fields are used to select the date range for the date field selected.
The second section of the Purge Items utility is the records and items grid. This grid displays all of the records and items based on the criteria selected in the Purge Criteria section.
The records and items grid is similar to most grids in Tour de Force but there are two differences in the Purge Items utility grid:
- Select All – This button selects all of the records or items in the grid.
- CheckSelect – This field is used to select which records or items need to be included in the purge.
Accessing the Purge Items Utility
Use the following procedures to access the Purge Items utility:
- Open the Administration Console.
- Expand the Data Clean Up Utilities folder.
- Select Purge Items, and click the Launch: Purge Items button.
Using the Purge Items Utility
The Purge Items utility is used to permanently delete records or items flagged for deletion. Once deleted the record or item deleted can no longer be recovered. Before using the Purge Items utility make sure a backup for the database has been created.
Use the following procedures to permanently delete a record or item from Tour de Force using the Purge Items utility:
- Access the Purge Items utility.
- In the Item Type field, select the record or item that contains the items that need to be purged.
For example, select Accounts if the records that need to be purged are Account records.
- Choose the Account Package(s) that contains the records or items that need to be purged.
- Choose whether to filter for Active or Inactive items.
Note: If neither option is selected then both Active and Inactive items display in the grid.
- In the Date Field drop down list, select the Tour de Force date field that needs to be used for the date filter.
For example, to filter the date fields based on the creation date of the record or item select Created Date.
- In the From field, select the first date.
For example, if looking for records or items flagged for deletion since 2000, type 1/1/2000.
- In the To field, select the final date for the date filter.
For example, go back 30 days from the today’s date to preserve any recent records or items that have recently flagged for deletion.
- After the date fields have been set click the Search button.
- In the grid section select the records or items that need to be purged. To select all of the records or items in the grid click the Select All button.
- Click the Purge button to permanently delete the records or items selected. Once deleted these records or items can no longer be recovered unless a back up of the database has been created prior to the purge.
- Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.
- Click the OK button.
- Click the Clear Screen button to clear the grid and filters to start a new search.
Version: 5.x of Technical Bulletin 5532
©2012 Tour de Force
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