The purpose of this technical bulletin is to cover the Windows feature called the Problem Steps Recorder. The Problem Steps Recorder is a Microsoft Windows feature that allows users to record the actions they take to replicate a bug or other issue they encounter while using any software installed on a Microsoft Windows operating system.
This document explains how to use the Problem Steps Recorder, referred to as the PSR in the rest of this document, to record any issue those users encounter while using Tour de Force. Using the PSR and attaching the .zip file to a support request, helps the Tour de Force Support Team identify the issue quicker, and could lead to quicker resolution times for the request.
Note: The PSR is only available on computers running Windows 7 or Windows 8.
This technical bulletin contains the following sections:
- Accessing the Problem Steps Recorder
- How to Use the Problem Steps Recorder
Note: Read the documentation completely before using the PSR.
- Accessing the Problem Steps Recorder
There are two ways to access the PSR: Using windows functions or by clicking the Launch hyperlink under the Problem Step Recorder section on the About Tour de Force screen.
To open through Windows:
- Press the Windows key plus R (Windows + R) on the keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
- In the Run dialog box type in psr.exe and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
To open through Tour de Force:
- In Microsoft Outlook, on the Tour de Force toolbar, click the information icon.
- In the About Tour de Force screen, click the Launch hyperlink under the Problem Step Recorder section.
- How to Use the Problem Steps Recorder
When a user encounters an error in Tour de Force, the PSR can be used to record the steps the user took to create the error. The PSR records each click the user performs and provides a fairly detailed step-by-step process to replicate what the steps the user performed. Once the recording is finished a .MHTML file gets added to a .zip file that can then be attached to a support request or forwarded through an email.
Note: If the user is using multiple monitors then the screen shots that get taken record both monitors. To prevent this from happening, go to the Screen Resolution settings in the Display settings, and in the Multiple displays field select the Show desktop only on 1 option.
Use the following procedures to use the PSR:
- Once the Problem Steps Recorder window opens click the Help icon.
Note: These settings have to be set each time the PSR is opened. The PSR resets to the default settings each time the Problem Steps Recorder window is closed.
- Click the Browse button to set a folder to use to save the .zip file in once the recording is finished.
Note: If no folder is selected and this field is blank, then the PSR asks the user where they want to save the file after every recording session is finished.
- The Screen Capture section allows users to disable whether a screen shot is taken each time a user clicks. This feature should be left Enabled unless the user is sharing sensitive data.
- The Number of recent screen captures to store field is used to set how many screen shots to take before deleting the oldest screen shot taken. This field is set to 25 by default.
- To begin recording click the Start Record button or press Alt+A keys on the keyboard.
- Once the recording starts begin going through the necessary steps to recreate the issue. Each click that is performed records a screen shot and this is indicated by a red flash each time a user clicks.
- To pause the recording to make a comment about the current screen shot or step, click the Pause Record button or press the Alt+U keys on the keyboard.
Note: Interacting with the PSR interface does not record a step or a screen shot.
- Once the recording is paused, users can click the Add Comment button to leave a comment about the current section of the recording they are at. Adding in comments is not necessary but recommended if some special instructions need to be given for that step.
- To resume recording, click the Resume Record button or press the Alt+S keys on the keyboard.
- Continue recording. Once finished click the Stop Record button or press the Alt+O keys on the keyboard.
- Save the .zip file to the desired location and click the Save button.
- This .zip file can now be attached to a support request or sent to a Tour de Force Support Team member via email.
Version: 6 Technical Bulletin 6995
©2013 Tour de Force CRM
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