This document goes over the Quote Administration utility located in the Tour de Force Administration Console. This technical bulletin provides an overview of each section in the Quote Administration and how each setting applies to the Quote Manager in Tour de Force.
This technical bulletin contains the following sections:
- Overview of the Quote Administration
- Overview of the General Settings
- Overview of the Document Creation Settings
- Overview of the Quote Statuses Settings
- Overview of the Errors & Warnings Settings
- Overview of the Products Table Settings
- Overview of the Products Grid Setup Settings
- Overview of the Import/Export Settings
- Overview of the Quote to ERP Settings
- Overview of the User Settings
Note: Read the documentation completely before using the Quote Administration.
- Overview of the Quote Administration
The Quote Administration utility is the central utility for admins to manage most of the settings related to the Quote Manager. There are nine sections that make up the Quote Administration utility and each section provides different options and settings for use with the Quote Manager and Quote items in version 6.0 of Tour de Force.
The following sections provide an overview of each section in the Quote Administration and provide definitions for each option available to admins.
Use the following procedures to access the Quote Administration utility:
- In the Tour de Force toolbar, click Admin Utilities.
- Select Advanced Features Setup and then click Quote Administration.
- Overview of the General Settings
Load the … tab by default – This option is used to select which tab to load by default when opening a Quote item.
Show “Quote” Tab on Opportunity form – This field is used to choose whether the Quote tab appears on the Opportunity record form. This option is also available in the Company Preferences.
Enable Kit/BOM creation – This field allows users to select multiple line items to create a Kit.
“Lock” the Quote on Close, preventing future changes – If this option is enabled then any Quote that has been marked as closed is going to lock in Tour de Force, preventing any user from making any changes to that Quote.
Price Override Settings –
Always set “Override Price from ERP” to – This field is used to set the Override Price from ERP field to always being enabled or disabled when adding a new line item to a Quote item. Each line item that has this field checked is going to have the price updated by the ERP system. This only applies to ERP systems that support the Update Quote from ERP command in the ERP system.
Allow user override – If this option is enabled then the Override Price From ERP field is going to be editable by users for each line item.
Allow personal Quote grid layouts – If this field is checked then that means users have the ability to create Personal Grids in the Quote grid.
Allow Shipto Override – This feature is used in cases where the company is in a BillTo only mode and would also like to have ShipTo Accounts linked to the Quote. This allows users to type in any valid ShipTo ID on the Quote item as long as the ShipTo Account is linked to the BillTo Account. This feature would be used so that users can associate Quote items with an Account that is typically hidden from any searches or grid views.
Enforce minimum margin of % - This field is used to enforce a minimum margin on a Quote item. If the minimum margin on the Quote is below the enforced margin then the Quote stays locked down until that minimum percent is met.
Require minimum margin password – This field is used to set a password on the margin field if a user attempts to adjust the margin beyond the minim percent that has been set.
Use recommended margin of % - This field is used to provide users with a recommended margin percent, without enforcing the rule on the user. With this option users have the ability to override the recommended margin percent without having any special permissions or entering in a password.
Select the number of digits to appear after the decimal point – This field is used to set the number of digits that appear after the decimal point. The option set here is going to depend upon many factors such as the ERP system and company policy.
Allow User Override – This option is used to allow users to override the decimal point settings.
Minimum Quantity Increment – This field is used to set the minimum increment that can occur when a user attempts to increase the quantity of a line item in the Quote grid.
- Overview of the Document Creation Settings
This section contains numerous options for configuring Quote documents.
Create document name from – This field is used to choose whether to generate the Quote name from the Quote Description or the Template name.
Advanced Document Naming
When the Quote’s parent is an Account – If the Parent of the Quote is an Account record, users can select one or more UDFs to create a name for that Quote document based on the values in those UDFs. UDF values from the Quote item are also available in the drop-down list.
When the Quote’s parent is a Contact – If the Parent of the Quote is a Contact record, users can select one or more UDFs to create a name for that Quote document based on the values in those UDFs. UDF values from the Quote item are also available in the drop-down list.
When the Quote’s parent is an Opportunity – If the Parent of the Quote is an Opportunity record, users can select one or more UDFs to create a name for that Quote document based on the values in those UDFs. UDF values from the Quote item are also available in the drop-down list.
Bypass Contact name search – This field is used to bypass the Contact search from appearing when generating a new Quote document. This field should be checked if the company is not using any Contact based bookmarks in the Quote template.
Allow PDF Creation only (prevent Microsoft Word) – This field is used to prevent users from generating a Quote document using Microsoft Word and only generates the Quote document into a PDF format document.
Global Draft Category – This field is used to determine which draft category to use when emailing a Quote from the Quote Manager. The draft category selected only displays the templates located in that draft category.
Custom Line Item Appearance in Documents – This field allows administrators to edit the appearance of the table that appears in the generated document.
- Overview of the Quote Statuses Settings
Predefined Quote Statuses – Clicking the Edit hyperlink allows administrators to show or hide the pre-defined Quote statuses that appear in the Quote Status UDF. The predefined Quote Statuses cannot be changed and are fixed values that can only be shown or hidden.
User Defined Quote Statuses – Clicking the Edit hyperlink displays a new window that allows administrators to add their own Quote Statuses. Click the Add button to add a new Quote Status value to the UDF.
- Overview of the Errors & Warnings Settings
This section displays a list of warnings and error dialogs that administrators can turn on and off based on company preferences. The list of errors and warnings are going to grow overtime based on updates to the BSI Connector and Tour de Force. Some of these errors and warnings are ERP based and some warnings and errors may not apply.
Can users create Quotes containing Products from multiple Warehouses?
Yes – but display a warning prior to adding the Product – Use this option if the company does allow inventory mixing but the user needs to be notified that a different warehouse is being used so that a shipping ticket can be printed out.
No – prevent users from mixing Warehouses – Use this option if the company does not allow inventory mixing from separate warehouses.
Yes – allows to mix Warehouses – Use this option if the company does allow inventory mixing and no warning needs to be presented to the user.
- Overview of the Products Table Settings
Load Products – This option used to load all of the products that have been imported or added into Tour de Force.
Add Custom Product – This option allows admins to add a new custom product to the Products Table.
- Overview of the Products Grid Setup Settings
This section shows all of the available fields that Tour de Force has available for companies to map into the Quote Manager from their ERP system. From this screen administrators can change the caption of the fields, decide whether those fields should be visible, and whether to include those fields in an export and the position those fields appear as in the Quote Manager.
Global Layout for the Products Grid in the Quote Manager:
Key – This field displays all of the available fields in Tour de Force that can be mapped to from an ERP system to import those Quotes. The values of this field cannot be changed.
Caption – This field is used to change the way the Key fields display in the Products Grid. This only changes the name of the column located in the Products Grid and not the actual Tour de Force field that is used to map an import from an ERP system.
Visible – This field is used to toggle whether the current field is visible in the Products Grid.
Include in Export – This field is used to choose whether to include the selected fields in an export.
Position – This field indicates what position the fields appear as in the Products Grid. Select a row and click the up or down arrows to move the position of the field.
- Overview of the Import/Export Settings
This section is used to import and export the Product Data Table if the company is not using their ERP system to pull Quote information or the ERP system does not allow for cataloging of inventory items.
Export Product Data to Excel
Create Template – Clicking this button generates an excel spreadsheet with the proper format that needs to be used to import and export Quote data. From this spreadsheet users can add products that can be imported into Tour de Force.
Note: The format of the columns in this spreadsheet cannot be changed or altered. If the columns are changed the import or export is going to fail.
Export Status – Shows the status of the generated template.
- Overview of the Quote to ERP Settings
This screen shows the status of the Quote to Order process that is currently running on the BSI Connector. This screen is going to change depending upon the ERP system that is being used. The only options that display on this screen are the options that apply to the ERP system being used. If those options are not available in the ERP system then those options do not display.
- Overview of the User Settings
This section allows administrators to configure certain options on a per user basis rather than being company-wide. For example, some companies may need to have a default price calculation that certain users are going to use in the Quote Manager.
Copy – This option is used to copy the options set from a user in the grid. Highlight a row and click the Copy button.
Paste – This option is used to paste the options that have been copied to another user. Highlight a row and click the Paste button. Multiple rows can also be selected.
User – Displays the Tour de Force user.
SellPrice Method – This field is used to select the sell method used in the Sell Price field. There are four options available.
- Price Less Discount – This option allows that user to set discount on the Sell Price for the line item.
- Manual – This option allows the user to set which SellPrice Method they can use when adjusting the sell price.
- Cost Mark Up – This option allows the user sell the line item at a higher cost than original sell cost.
- Desired Gross Profit Percent – This allows a user to set a value on the sell cost to achieve a desired margin for the line item.
SellPrice Variable – This field displays the type of variable that is used in the Sell Price method field. For example, if Price Less Discount is selected in the SellPrice Method field, then the variable field is used to set that discount percent.
Edit Price – If this field is enabled then that means the user has the ability to edit the Sell Price field in the Quote item grid. Note that this option only applies to the Sell Price field and not the Actual Price field.
Edit Cost – If this field is enabled then that means the user has the ability to edit the Sell Cost field in the Quote item grid. Note that this option only applies to the Sell Cost field and not the Actual Cost field.
Default Warehouse – This field allows companies to set a default warehouse for an order or quote if that company has multiple warehouses.
Use Quick Search –
Allow Personal Grid – If this field is checked then that means users have the ability to create Personal Grids in the Quote grid.
User Override – This is used to allow a salesperson to override a price and cost. An example of a user override would be if a salesperson gets a better cost from a vendor that salesperson can overwrite the default sell cost price that has been set. Companies can set whether a salesperson can override price or cost, or both.
Version: 6 Technical Bulletin 6318
©2013 Tour de Force CRM
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