The purpose of this technical document is to provide an understanding of Email Items. Tour de Force gives users the tools needed in order to manage email messages related to the contacts of customers, prospects, and other business relationships more efficiently within Microsoft Outlook.
This technical bulletin contains the following sections:
- Tour de Force Email Logging
- Manually Linking an Email Item to a Contact Record
- Microsoft Outlook Address Book
- Adding a Contact Record to the Outlook Address Book
- Creating an Email Item for a Contact Record
- Global and Personal Drafts in Tour de Force
- The Draft Editor
- Accessing the Draft Editor
- Creating Personal Email Drafts
- Refreshing the Drafts Menu
- Using Global or Personal Email Drafts
- Editing Personal Draft Messages in Tour de Force
- Deleting Personal Draft Messages in Tour de Force
- Overview of the Tour de Force Email Form
- Tour de Force Toolbar
- Breadcrumb Bar
- The Header Control
- Email Details
- View Email Items Linked to a Contact Record Using the Global Search
- Procedures to View Email Items in the Inbox of Outlook
Tour de Force Email Logging
Email Logging is a feature of Tour de Force that is designed to track and maintain company email associated with business relationships. In order to use the Email Logging feature in Tour de Force, the user must have a connection to the Microsoft Exchange Server.
Email Logging captures a copy of email messages sent and received through the Exchange server. In fact, Email Logging captures all inbound and outbound mail messages from Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Web Access, PDA devices, and from Business Systems that have automated processes.
Email Logging scans the To and Cc fields associated with each email message in order to locate a matching Contact record associated with Tour de Force.
When a Contact record is being checked for the same Email Address, the Email Logging feature checks the Email Address1, Email Address2, and Email Address3 fields. If the Contact record is located that has the same Email Address as the Email message, then a copy of the Email message is linked to the Contact record.
Email Domain logging is also used to check Email Addresses for Contact records linked to Account records in Tour de Force. If the Contact record does not have the Email Address1, Email Address2, or Email Address3 fields filled out, then the Email Domain logging feature checks to see if the Account record has the Email Domain field filled out. If the Email Domain field is filled out the Email Domain related to the Account record is automatically linked to the Contact record.
Email Logging only captures the email messages that have the Sensitivity field set to Normal. Email Logging does not capture email messages that have the Sensitivity field set to Personal, Private, or Confidential.
Use the following procedures to set the Sensitivity field to Personal, Private, or Confidential:
- Select the Options tab.
- Click the More Options arrow to open the Message Options screen.
- In the Message Option window, click the down arrow to the right of the Sensitivity field, select the appropriate option, and then click the Close button.
However, the Administrative user in Tour de Force has the ability of restricting specific users from the Email Logging process. For example, the President of a company does not want his or her emails tracked in Tour de Force.
For further assistance with Email Logging and the Mailbox Janitor, refer to Technical Bulletin 4301 – Mailbox Janitor Utility.
B. Manually Linking an Email Item to a Contact Record
If the Email Logging feature in Tour de Force is not activated, or the user is not connected to a Microsoft Exchange Server, then Email items are not automatically linked to a Contact record and are not logged in Tour de Force.
However, the Link Email icon on the Tour de Force toolbar gives users the ability to manually link email messages to Contact records.
This feature is also useful when an email message needs to be linked to an Account, Contact, or Opportunity record not associated with the person that sent the email message.
The steps to link an Email item to an Account or an Opportunity record are similar to the steps to link an Email item to a Contact record.
Use the following procedures to manually link an Email item to a Contact record:
- Give focus to the appropriate email message in the Inbox of Microsoft Outlook.
- Click the Link Email button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- In the Link Email window, select Contact in the Item Type field.
- Type the name or partial name of the Contact record in the For field and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
- Click the Chain Link button to add the Contact record to the Selected items for linking grid.
- After selecting the necessary Contact records, click the Link button.
C. Microsoft Outlook Address Book
Managing information related to Contact records is crucial for staying organized and connected. In order to communicate effectively, instant access to current and accurate contact information such as phone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses is important.
Microsoft Outlook provides several options for storing addresses and other contact information in the Outlook Address Book.
- Global Address List
- Contact List
- Personal Address Book
The Global Address List is available when working on a network that includes Microsoft Exchange Server. This list contains all of the email addresses and distribution lists in an organization that has been set up by the Administrator. Users can use the Global Address List to create email messages. However, users cannot change information in this list.
The Contact List is created automatically when the Microsoft Outlook profile of a user is created. This list contains information about the contacts that users add to the Contacts folder.
The Personal Address Book is designed to allow users to create personal contact and distribution lists, rather than work-related contacts.
When creating an email message in Microsoft Outlook, clicking the To, Cc, or Bcc buttons in the message window accesses the Select Names window. The Select Names window gives users the ability to search through the Microsoft Outlook Address Book for contacts to associate with an email message.
Click the down arrow in the Address Book field to display a list of available address book types. The addresses that display depends on the address book or address list that is selected.
D. Adding a Contact Record to the Outlook Address Book
Users have the ability of adding the Contact records maintained in the Account Packages of Tour de Force to the Microsoft Outlook Address Book. However, only the Contact records that a user has permission to access can be added to the Microsoft Outlook Address Book.
Once the Contact records have been added to the Microsoft Outlook Address Book, users can create and send email messages to these Contact records.
Use the following steps to add a Contact record in Tour de Force to the Microsoft Outlook Address Book:
- Click the Global Search button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- In the Item Type field select Contact.
- Type the name or partial name of the Contact record in the For field, and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
- Locate the Contact record in the grid section of the Global Search window, and right click on the Contact record to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Action | Copy to Personal Contacts on the Quick Events menu.
- Return to Microsoft Outlook and click the Contacts button.
- The Contact record has been added to the Personal Contacts of the user. Double click the contact to view the details related to the contact.
Note: The information added to the Personal Contact is the same information located in the Tour de Force Contact form of the contact.
E. Creating an Email Item for a Contact Record
The MRH Technology Group recommends using the Global Search utility in Tour de Force to create a new Email item for a Contact record.
If the Email Logging feature in Tour de Force is activated, and the E-mail field associated with the Contact record is populated in the Tour de Force Contact form, then an Email item is created and automatically linked to the Contact record.
Use the following procedures to create a new Email item for a Contact record:
- Click the Global Search button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- In the Item Type field select Contact.
- Type the name or partial name of the Contact record in the For field, and then press the Enter key.
- Locate the Contact record in the grid section of the Global Search window, and right click on the Contact record to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Action | New Email on the Quick Events menu.
Note: The To field automatically displays the email address of the Contact record. If the Contact record does not have an email address type in the appropriate email address in the To field.
- Type a short description to associate with the Email item in the Subject field.
- Type a message to associate with the Email item.
- Click the Send button.
F. Global and Personal Drafts in Tour de Force
Two types of draft messages can be set up and used in Tour de Force:
- Global
- Personal
Global drafts are draft versions of email messages that can be used by all users in Tour de Force when creating and sending new email messages to contacts of customers, prospects, and other business relationships. Users cannot set up Global drafts, only administrative users of Tour de Force have the ability to set up Global drafts.
Personal drafts are draft versions of email messages that can only be used by the user that created the draft when creating and sending new email messages to contacts of customers, prospects, and other business relationships.
When Tour de Force is installed, a TDF Drafts folder is created under the Drafts folder of Microsoft Outlook. The TDF Drafts folder allows users to save personal messages as a draft to be used when a consistent message needs to be created or sent often.
Personal and Global drafts can also be used to create standard email messages using the Tour de Force Mailer module. The Tour de Force Mailer module is an optional module of Tour de Force that allows users to create a filtered list of recipients, and then send personalized information to these recipients via email or traditional mail.
G. The Draft Editor
Users can create and edit Personal Email Drafts for future Email items using the Draft Editor in Tour de Force. Although users cannot create Global Drafts in the Draft Editor, users can view the Global Drafts and copy the contents of the Global Email Drafts to Personal Email Drafts.
The Draft Editor can be used to place Bookmarks into the Personal Email Draft messages. Bookmarks are used to represent a location in a Personal Email Draft message where information associated with data in Tour de Force needs to be positioned when email messages are created and sent.
To insert a Bookmark, select Drafts | Bookmarks from the Draft Editor menu. Select which Bookmarks to use from Contact, Account, Event, or User UDF’s.
Four types of Bookmarks can be created using the Draft Editor:
- Contact
- Account
- Event
- User
Contact Bookmarks can be used to display or print information associated with the Contact record of the email message. For example, the FristName and FullName of the Contact record can be used as Bookmarks.
Account Bookmarks can be used to display or print information associated with the Account record related to the Contact record of the email message. For example, the CompanyName and BusinessTelephoneNumber of the Account record can be used as Bookmarks.
Event Bookmarks can be used to display or print information associated with an Event item. For example, the Event Name can be used as a Bookmark for mailings regarding a specific event.
User Bookmarks can be used to display or print information related to users creating the email message.
Note: Bookmarks can also be used by the administrative users when creating Global Email Draft messages.
H. Accessing the Draft Editor
There are multiple ways to access the Draft Editor:
- Click the Draft Editor button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- Select Tour de Force | Draft Editor from the Microsoft Outlook menu.
- In a new email message, select the Tour de Force tab and click the Draft Editor button.
I. Creating Personal Email Drafts
Personal Email Drafts are draft versions of email messages that can only be used by the user that created the draft when creating and sending new email messages to contacts of customers, prospects, and other business relationships. Personal Email Drafts are used for mailings that a salesperson sends out on a regular basis to different customers, prospects, or other business relationships.
Use the following procedures to create a Personal Email Draft in Tour de Force:
- Access the Draft Editor.
- Select File | New Draft from the Draft Editor toolbar.
- Type a short description to associate with the draft email message in the Subject field.
- The Choose a draft type field defaults to Personal.
Note: Only administrative users of Tour de Force can create Global Email Drafts.
- Type the message to associate with the draft email message in the body of the Draft Editor form.
- To include the Bookmarks into the Personal Email Draft select Drafts | Bookmarks from the Draft Editor menu.
For example, to add in the Contact records name into the greeting of the message give focus to the section of the message that the Bookmark needs to be included. Then select Contacts | FullName from the Bookmark menu.
This Bookmark is the UDF from the Tour de Force Contact form, and displays as [tdf:Contact FullName] in the Draft Editor.
- After finishing the body of the draft email message, click the Save button to save the new Personal Email Draft message to the TDF Drafts folder.
The Personal Email Draft is now added under the Personal section of the Email Drafts section.
The Personal Email Draft is also added to the TDF Drafts folder in Microsoft Outlook.
Note: The subject of the Personal Email Draft becomes the name of the email draft as well as the subject in the any email generated from the Personal Email Draft.
Refreshing the Drafts Menu
The Drafts Menu has to be updated once a Global or Personal Email Draft message is created. Users are not able to use a Global or Personal Email Draft message to create an Email item until the Drafts Menu is updated.
Use the following procedures to refresh the Draft Menu in Tour de Force:
- Start a new email message.
- Select the Tour de Force tab.
- Click the Refresh Drafts button.
- Click the Personal Drafts button to display an updated list of Personal Email Drafts.
K. Using Global or Personal Email Drafts
Use the following procedures to create a new Email item using a Personal Email Draft:
- Click the Global Search button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- In the Item Type field select Contact.
- Type the name or partial name of the Contact record in the For field, and then press the Enter key.
- Locate the Contact record in the grid section of the Global Search window, and right click on the Contact record to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Action | New Email on the Quick Events menu.
- Click the Personal Draft button, and then select the appropriate draft from the menu.
Note: If a Global Email Draft message needs to be used to create the new email message, click the Global Drafts button on the Tour de Force toolbar, and then select the appropriate message from the menu.
- Click the Yes button to replace the body of the email message with the content associated with the draft message.
Note: The Bookmarks are replaced with the appropriate data from Tour de Force.
For example, the full name of the Contact record, John A Roberts, replaced the Bookmark labeled [tdf:Contact FullName].
- Make any changes needed to the email message and then click the Send button.
L. Editing Personal Draft Messages in Tour de Force
Use the following procedures to edit a Personal Email Draft in Tour de Force:
- Access the Draft Editor window.
- All of the Global and Personal Email Drafts are displayed in the Available Drafts section.
- Select the appropriate Personal Email Draft message from the list.
For example, select Message Greetings from Eastern Sales – West Division.
- Make any necessary changes to the Personal Email Draft message and click the Save button.
M. Deleting Personal Draft Messages in Tour de Force
Use the following procedures to delete a Personal Email Draft in Tour de Force:
- Access the Draft Editor window.
- Select the Personal Email Draft that needs to be deleted.
- Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
- Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.
N. Overview of the Tour de Force Email Form
When an email message is logged in Tour de Force a public copy of the email message is added to the database. Once an email message has been added to the database any user of Tour de Force can view the public copy of the email message.
The Tour de Force Email form is divided into four sections:
- Tour de Force toolbar
- Breadcrumb bar
- Header Control
- Email details
- Tour de Force Toolbar
There are four buttons available on the Tour de Force toolbar in the Tour de Force Email form that gives the user several actions that can be performed on the public copy of the email message.
The actions that can be performed are:
- Reply – This button is used to send a reply email to the email address in the From field.
- Replay All – This button is used to send a reply to all email addresses associated with the email message.
- Forward – This button is used to send the email message to email addresses not associated with the email correspondence.
- Open Message – This button is used to open the email message in a Microsoft Outlook email form.
- Breadcrumb Bar
The breadcrumb bar is used to quickly navigate between Account Roots, Account Packages, Territories, Contacts, and Account record. The breadcrumb bar is also used as pathway tracker to view the order in which records and items were accessed and identify the Parent Item of the record or item currently open. Alternative methods for creating and viewing records and items can also be used with the breadcrumb bar.
- The Header Control
The Header Control information such as TDF Key, Owner, Creation, Last Mod Date, and the Active fields that are associated with an Email item are located at the top of the Tour de Force Email form.
There are six fields located in the Header Control:
- TDF Key – This field is used to uniquely identify each Email item in Tour de Force. This field is automatically assigned by the system and cannot be changed.
- Owner – This field displays the name of the Tour de Force user that created the Email item. This field is display only and cannot be changed.
- Creation – This field displays the date the Email item was created. This field is display only and cannot be changed.
- Last Mod – This field displays the date the Email item was last modified. This field changes after each save operation inside the record.
- Active – This field displays whether the Email item is visible in the Global Search. If this field is False then the Email item will not display in the Global Search.
- Email Details
This section of the Tour de Force Email form contains information related to the email message. This information is viewable by any user of Tour de Force, but cannot be edited.
The details displayed are:
- From – This field indicates who sent the email message.
- To – This field indicates the recipient(s) of the email message.
- Cc – This field indicates email addresses that were sent Carbon copies of the email message.
- Bcc – This field indicates the email addresses that were sent Blind carbon copies of the email message.
- Subject – This field displays the email subject that was entered when the email was originally sent.
- Sent – This field indicates the date when the email was sent.
- Priority – This field indicates the priority level that was selected when the email was sent.
- Sensitivity – This field indicates the sensitivity level set at the time the email message was sent.
- Thread Index –
- Email Body – This section displays the email message(s) between correspondents.
O. View Email Items Linked to a Contact Record Using the Global Search
The MRH Technology Group recommends using the Global Search utility and the Quick View windows in Tour de Force to view items associated with Contact records.
Use the following procedures to view Email items linked to a Contact record in Tour de Force:
- Click the Global Search button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- Type the name or partial name of the Contact record in the For field, and then press the Enter key.
- Locate the Contact record in grid section of the Global Search window, and right click on Contact record to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Views | Email to open the Quick View for Contact window.
- Select or give focus to the appropriate Email item and click the Open Folder button to open the Tour de Force Email from.
- Clicking the Open Folder button opens the public copy of the email message.
P. Procedures to View Email Items in the Inbox of Outlook
If an email message is received from a Contact record that is set up in Tour de Force, and the E-mail field associated with this Contact record is populated in the Tour de Force Contact form, then items linked to this Contact record can be viewed using the Views list while working in the Inbox of Microsoft Outlook.
To view Email items linked to a Contact record in Tour de Force while working in the Inbox of Microsoft Outlook:
- Give focus to the email message, click the Views button, and then select Email from the menu.
- If necessary select the appropriate Contact record and click the OK button.
- In the Quick View for Contact window, click the Open Folder icon to view the contents of the Email item in the Tour de Force Email form.
Version: 5.x of Technical Bulletin 5601
©2012 Tour de Force
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