The purpose of this technical document is to provide an understanding of Task Items. A Task item is a personal or work-related item that needs to be tracked and managed to completion. For each Task item, a Due Date and a Start Date, as well as the items Status can be specified. Task items display in the Task items list based on the Start Date, and Task items that are incomplete and past due can be displayed in another color such as Red to indicate that the Task item is overdue.
Reminders, as well as a Priority (High, Normal, and Low) can be associated with Task items.
This technical bulletin contains the following sections:
- Task Items in Tour de Force
- Tour de Force Task Form Overview
- Tabs and Toolbars
- Task Tab
- Insert Tab
- Format Text Tab
- Tour de Force Task Tab
- Creating a New Task Item from the Tour de Force Account Form
- Creating a New Task Item for an Account Record Using the Global Search Utility
- Creating a New Task Item for a Contact Record Using the Global Search Utility
- Creating a New Task Item for an Opportunity Record Using the Global Search Utility
- Viewing Task Items from the Tour de Force Account form
- Viewing Task Items in Tour de Force using the Global Search Utility
- Assigning Task Items in Tour de Force
- Linking Activity Items to Task Items
- Task Items - Complete and Convert to Activity
Task items can recur either at regular intervals, or at intervals based on the date the Task item is set to Complete. For example, a user may want to create a Task item to review the status of an Opportunity every seven days. If the Task item is reviewed on a Friday and the Task item is set to Complete, Tour de Force creates the next instance of the Task item with a Due Date on the following Friday. If the review is performed on a Thursday, Tour de Force creates the next instance of the Task item due on the following Thursday.
A Task item that is set to recur at a regular interval generates at the interval regardless of the status of the earlier instances of the Task item. For example, a Task item is created for submitting Expense items on the fifth of each month. Tour de Force creates each instance of the Task item and sets the Due Date to the fifth of the appropriate month.
Tour de Force also allows users to track the progress of these Task items, as well as to assign these Task items to other users. When a Task item is assigned to another user, a Task item request is sent to that user.
A Task item request is a request in an email message asking the recipient to complete that task. The user who receives the task request becomes the temporary owner of the task. The recipient can decline the task, accept the task, or assign the task to another user.
If the recipient accepts the task, the task is added to the task list of the recipient, and the recipient becomes the new owner of the task. A task list is a list of tasks that appears in the Tasks folder and in the Task Pad in Calendars.
If the recipient declines the task, the task is returned to the user that originally created the task. If the recipient assigns the task to another user, the new assignee becomes the owner of the task.
When a user assigns a Task item to another user, and that user clicks the Accept button to accept the Task item, Tour de Force places the Task item on the Task items list of that user. When a user declines a Task item, a notice is sent to the requester that the user declined the Task item request.
Only that user or the owner of a Task item can update the Task item. However, a copy of the Task item in can be added to the Tasks list, and a copy of the Task item can be updated as the other user updates their Task item. For example, if the owner of the Task item changes the Status field to In Progress or changes the Percent Complete field to 50%, the copy of the Task item is updated.
In order to track the progress of assigned Task items, the Keep updated copies of assigned tasks on my task list field has to be checked when assigning the Task item. This field is extremely important since the owner of a Task item is the only user who can make changes to the task. When an owner updates a Task item, Microsoft Outlook can update all copies of that task; the copy of the task for the user who originally sent the task request, and all copies for any prior owners of that task.
For example, when the owner of a task modifies the task, such as changing the Status or Percent Complete fields, Microsoft Outlook sends an email message to the user that assigned the task. Outlook uses this email message to update the copy of the Task item. If the user does not open this email message, the copy of the Task item is not updated.
Note that when the email message is viewed and then closed, Outlook automatically removes the email message from the Inbox.
Status reports, which are special email messages, can also be received to reflect when the Status of a Task is complete. When the owner completes the task, Outlook can automatically send a status report to the user who originally assigned the task, any other prior owners, and any user who requested a report. In order to receive a status report, the Send status reports when assigned tasks are completed field must be selected when assigning the Task item.
A task cannot be assigned to more than one user simultaneously. To assign the same project to more than one person and to have Outlook keep up to date on work progress, divide the work into separate tasks, and then assign each task individually. For example, to assign a report to three writers, create three tasks named Write Report: Writer 1, Write Report: Writer 2, and Write Report: Writer 3.
Only the owner of the Task item can set a Reminder for that Task item.
Task Items in Tour de Force
Tour de Force offers ways to organize these tasks to help users manage tasks more efficiently. Tasks can be created and maintained in Task lists, as well as tracked for all activities associated with prospects, customers, and other business relationships that need to be monitored until completion.
When a Task item is created in Tour de Force, the Task item is associated with the Account, Contact, or Opportunity record, as well as placed on the Tasks list of the owner associated with the Task item. The Task item in Tour de Force is a public copy of the Task item, while the Task item on the Tasks list of the owner is a private copy of the Task item.
The owner of the Task item in Tour de Force is the user that created the Task item. The user that created the Task item is always the TDF Owner, even when that user assigns the Task item to another user.
When Task items are assigned to another user, and that user accepts the assignment, an Outlook Task item is added to the Task List associated with that user.
When viewing a Task item in Tour de Force, the Task item and form that opens depends on the owner of the Task item. If the owner of the Task item views the Task item, the private copy of the Task item of that user displays. If a user that is not the owner of a Task item views the Task item, then the public copy of the Task item displays.
Tour de Force Task Form Overview
Tour de Force gives users the ability to easily create and track task items associated with customers and prospects, as well as with other business relationships. The Tour de Force Task form in Tour de Force can be used to track Task items related to each business relationship of a company so users know what needs to happen, as well as when the Task items need to be completed.
The Tour de Force Task form gives companies the ability to organize Task items associated with all business relationships for quick and easy access, which allows users to be more productive and more effective at managing business relationships.
The Tour de Force Task form is divided into three sections:
- Tabs and Toolbars
- Task Details
- Task Body
- Tabs and Toolbars
The first section of the Tour de Force Task form is the Tabs and Toolbars section. This section contains various tabs that have many functions associated with creating and assigning a Task item in Tour de Force. There are four tabs associated with the Tour de Force Task form:
- Task tab
- Insert tab
- Format Text tab
- Tour de Force tab
- Task Tab
The Task tab is the default tab that displays when a new Task item is being created. There are sure several key buttons located on the Task tab that are used when creating and assigning a Task item in Tour de Force:
- Save and Close – This button saves and closes the Task item.
- Delete – This button deletes the Task item.
- Task – This button displays the Task item details as well as the Task item body.
- Details – This button displays Task item details such as when the task was completed and how long the task took to complete.
- Assign Task – This button adds the To field and Send button so that a Task item can be assigned to a user.
- Send Status Report – This button opens a new e-mail message so that a status report can be sent to the owner of the Task item.
- Mark Complete – This button is used to when the task has been completed. Clicking this button closes the Tour de Force Task form.
- Reply and Forward – These buttons become available after a Task item has been saved.
- Recurrence – This button opens the Task Recurrence window and is used to add the Task item as a recurring item on a users Microsoft Outlook calendar.
- Categorize – This button is used to assign a category to a Task item.
- Follow Up – This button is used to add a reminder or a follow up date for the Task item.
- Private – This button is used to make the Task item viewable to only the owner.
- Spelling – This button is used to check for spelling errors and is a standard Microsoft Outlook button.
- Insert Tab
The Insert tab is contains standard Microsoft Outlook functions. These functions are used to attach a file, attach an item, include a business card, or add a signature to the body section of the Task item.
- Format Text Tab
The Format Text tab contains standard Microsoft Word functions. This tab is used to edit to the body section of the Tour de Force Task form.
- Tour de Force Task Tab
The Tour de Force tab is used to create new Records and Items related to that task. The most common next action step is converting the Task item to an Activity item. There are several buttons and fields used when creating a new Activity item from the Tour de Force Task form:
- Actions – This button is used as a next action command to create new Records and Items from the Task item currently open.
The Records and Items that can be created from a Task item are:
- Activity
- Appointment
- Asset
- Document
- Expense
- Note
- Opportunity
- Support
- Task
- New Activity – This button is used to create a new Activity item for the Task item currently open.
- Complete and Convert Activity – This button is used to mark the Task item as Complete and convert that Task item to an Activity item.
- Activity Type – This field is used to select which type of activity the Task item is related to. This field is used in conjunction with the Complete and Convert Activity button.
- Include – This field is used to choose what information is included in the new Activity item from the Task item. The options for the include field are:
- Notes
- Notes and Detail
- Detail
- Detail and Notes
- View Activities – This button is used to view any Activity items linked to the Task item.
- Public Items – These buttons are used by people who are unassigned, but still have public access to the Task item.
Creating a New Task Item from the Tour de Force Account Form
A new Task item can be created from the Actions button from any Tour de Force Record form in Tour de Force. The steps below show how to create a Task item with the Tour de Force Account form open and completed. These steps are the same for Contact records and Opportunity records once the Tour de Force Task form has been accessed.
Use the following procedures to create a Task item from the Tour de Force Account form:
- Click the Global Search button.
- Use the search function to locate the appropriate Account record.
- Click the Open Folder icon to open the Account record and access the Tour de Force Account form.
- Click the Actions button.
- In the Actions menu, select New Task.
- In the Subject field, type a short description or name to associate with the new Task item.
Note: Use a meaningful description for the Subject field. The main reason to create a Task item is to help users remember to perform the Task item.
- In the Start Date field, select a date when the new Task item is supposed to start.
- The Start Date field defaults to None.
- Click the down arrow to the right of the Start Date field to access the Calendar window.
- In the Due Date field, select a date when the new Task item is due.
- The Due Date field defaults to None.
- Click the down arrow to the right of the Due Date field to access the Calendar window.
- In the Status field, select a status to associate with the new Task item.
- Not Started
- In Progress
- Completed
- Waiting for someone else
- Deferred
- Select a priority to associate with the new Task item in the Priority field.
- High
- Normal
- Low
The Priority field defaults to Normal.
- In the % Complete field, specify a percentage of the task that is completed for the new Task item.
- Check the Reminder field to activate a reminder for the new Task item.
- In the date field next to the Reminder field, select a date to associate with the reminder for the new Task item.
- In the time field next to the Reminder field, select a time to associate with the reminder for the new Task item.
- In the Body field, document what needs to be accomplished for the new Task item.
- Click the Save and Close button to save the new Task item and to close the Tour de Force Task form.
Creating a New Task Item for an Account Record Using the Global Search Utility
The Global Search utility can also be used to add and to link a new Task item to an Account, a Contact, and an Opportunity record.
The steps to create a new Task item to an Account, a Contact, and an Opportunity record are the same once the Tour de Force Task form is accessed.
Use the following procedures to create a new Task item for an Account record using the Global Search utility:
- Click the Global Search button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- Type the name or partial name of the Account record in the For field and then press the Enter key.
- Locate the Account record in the grid section of the Global Search window, right click the mouse to display the Quick Events menu, and select Action.
- Select New Task in the Action menu.
Creating a New Task Item for a Contact Record Using the Global Search Utility
Tour de Force recommends using the Global Search utility to add and to link a new Task item to an Account, a Contact, and an Opportunity record.
The steps to create a new Task item to an Account, a Contact, and an Opportunity record are the same once the Tour de Force Task form is accessed.
Use the following procedures to create a new Task item for a Contact record using the Global Search utility:
- Click the Global Search button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- Type the name or partial name of the Contact record in the For field and then press the Enter key.
Note: Verify or set the Item Type field is set to Contact and the In field is set to [All].
- Locate the Contact record in the grid section of the Global Search form, and then right click the mouse to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Action and then New Task on the Quick Events menu.
Creating a New Task Item for an Opportunity Record Using the Global Search Utility
The steps to create a new Task item to an Account, a Contact, and an Opportunity record are the same once the Tour de Force Task form is accessed.
Use the following procedures to create a new Task item for a Contact record using the Global Search utility:
- Click the Global Search button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- Type the name or partial name of the Account record in the For field and then press the Enter key.
Note: Verify the Item Type field is set to Account and the In field is set to [All].
- Locate the Account record in grid section of the Global Search form, right click the mouse to display the Quick Events menu, select View, and then select Opportunities.
- Locate the appropriate Opportunity record in the Quick View form; right click the mouse to display the Quick Events menu, select Action and then New Task.
Viewing Task Items from the Tour de Force Account form
The Views button on a Tour de Force Record form is used to view any Record or Item linked to the form currently opened. The steps below show how to view a Task item linked to an Account record. These steps are the same for Contact records and Opportunity records once the Tour de Force Task form has been opened.
Use the following procedures to view Task items linked to an Account record:
- Use the Global Search utility to access a completed Account record.
- Click the Views button on the Tour de Force Account form.
- Select Task in the Views menu
- Click the Open Folder icon to open the task.
- If the Task item being opened is not assigned to the user, the Tour de Force Task public form displays.
- If the user is the owner of the Task item, or assigned to the Task item, the Tour de Force Task form displays.
Viewing Task Items in Tour de Force using the Global Search Utility
The Global Search utility can be used to view Tasks items associated with Account, Contact, and Opportunity records.
Use the following procedures to view Task items linked to an Account record using the Global Search utility:
- Click the Global Search button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- Type the name or partial name of the Account record in the For field, and then press the Enter key. Or, use the alternate search functionality to locate the Account record.
- Locate the Account record in grid section of the Global Search form, and then right click the mouse to display the Quick Events menu.
- From the Quick Events menu, select Views.
- From the Views menu, select Tasks to open the Quick View for Account form.
- Select or give focus to the appropriate Task item and click the Open Folder icon to open the Tour de Force Task form.
Assigning Task Items in Tour de Force
Task items can be assigned to other users while a new Task item is being created, or an existing Task item can be assigned to other users while the Task item is being viewed in the Tour de Force Task form.
- To assign a Task item to another user, click the Assign Task button on the Tour de Force Task form.
- Specify the recipient of the Task item in the To field.
- To maintain a copy of the Task item on the personal Task List, check the Keep an updated copy of this task on my task list field.
- To receive an email message when the Task item is complete, check the Send me a status report when this task is complete field.
- To add instructions or to associate additional notes with the Task item, type the text in the Note field.
Note that information associated with the parent record related to the Task item automatically displays in the Note field.
- Click the Send button to send an email message to the recipient(s) of the Task item.
Linking Activity Items to Task Items
Since most salespeople spend a lot of time managing Task items associated with prospects and customers in Microsoft Outlook, functionality to create and maintain actions such as Activity items associated with these Appointment items can be created and maintained while viewing the To-Do List.
In order to help users decrease the amount of time needed to create new items, functionality to create new Activity items is available on the Tour de Force Task form.
Note: Activity items can also be linked to Appointment items in order to track and monitor the amount of time spent during Appointment items. The steps to linking an Activity item to an Appointment item are similar to linking an Activity item to a Task item.
Use the following procedures to create a new Activity item in the Tour de Force Task form:
- Open the appropriate Task item on the To-Do List.
- Click the Tour de Force tab on the toolbar.
- Click the Activity Type field, and then select the appropriate activity.
Note: Tour de Force automatically copies the value selected in this Activity Type field to the Activity Type on Tour de Force Activity form.
- Click the Include field to copy the contents of the Notes field associated with the Task item to the Activity item.
For example, select Notes and Details.
- Click the New Activity button.
- Create the new Activity item in the Tour de Force Activity form.
- Click the Save button to save the new Activity item.
Task Items - Complete and Convert to Activity
The Complete and Convert to Activity feature associated with linking Activity items to a Task item allows companies to track and monitor the amount of time spent completing Task items.
Note: The steps to linking an Activity item to a Task item are similar to linking an Activity item to an Appointment item.
Use the following procedures to create a new Activity item in the Tour de Force Task form:
- Open the appropriate Task item on the To-Do List.
- Click the Tour de Force tab on the toolbar.
- Click the Complete and Convert Activity button.
- Create the new Activity item in the Tour de Force Activity form.
- Click the Save button to save the new Activity item.
- Click the Close button to close the Tour de Force Activity form.
Version: 5.x of Technical Bulletin 5604
©2012 Tour de Force
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