The purpose of this technical bulletin is to provide instructions for setting up Tour de Force for offline use or for users that work remotely and do not have a connection to the Tour de Force server. This document shows the initial setup of the offline database, as well as demonstrates how the offline and online synchronization processes work.
This technical bulletin contains the following sections:
- Overview of the Tour de Force Database Sync Process
- Accessing the Tour de Force Database Sync Utility
- The Tour de Force Database Sync Utility
- Configuration of SQL Server 2008 Express Edition
- Enabling and Configuring FILESTREAM for Users
- Granting User Rights to Run Offline Sync
- Setting up and Running the Offline Sync Process
- Syncing the Tour de Force Database back online
- Overview of the Tour de Force Database Sync Process
The Tour de Force Database Sync utility gives users the ability to work with Tour de Force data offline. This functionality is useful for users who work out of the office or travel. When a connection to the Tour de Force server is not available or connection speeds may potentially be a problem, users can use the Tour de Force Database Sync utility to set up a workstation for offline use.
The Tour de Force Database Sync utility also allows users to set filter options for relevant information in order to improve offline sync performance.
The Tour de Force data is synched online when a connection to the Tour de Force server is established.
The Tour de Force Database Sync utility is divided into five tabs:
- Database Settings
- Account Packages
- Sync Settings
- Sync Filters
- Public Sync
- Accessing the Tour de Force Database Sync Utility
Use the following procedures to access the Tour de Force Database Sync utility:
- Click the Database Sync button on the Tour de Force toolbar to access the Tour de Force Database Sync utility.
- The Tour de Force Database Sync Utility
The second step in setting up a workstation for offline use is to configure the options associated with the Database Settings tab in the Tour de Force Database Sync utility.
Note: Once the fields associated with the Database Settings tab in the Tour de Force Database Sync utility is set initially, these options rarely need to be changed.
Database Settings Tab
The Database Settings tab is used to set the connection information to the local SQL Server 2008 engine, as well as to create the Tour de Force Offline Database.
The Database Settings tab is divided into three sections:
Connection Type – This section is used to specify how to connect when accessing Tour de Force.
- Always Online – When starting Microsoft Outlook, Tour de Force always connects to the online database. No prompt displays.
- Prompt – When starting Microsoft Outlook, Tour de Force always prompts users to Work Online or Work Offline.
Offline Database – The Database name is populated after the Save Settings button is clicked.
Test Offline Database Connection Information – This section is used to test that the offline database was created successfully.
Account Packages Tab
In order to use the information relevant to Account Packages in Tour de Force, the Account Packages tab lets users select which Account Packages are taken offline during the sync. This is useful for sales people that only need to take a select few Account Packages for their branch and not Account Packages related to other branches.
Sync Settings Tab
The Sync Settings tab is used to change various settings related to the synchronization process. Users can choose when an offline and online sync is performed, and to change the settings for a Quick Sync. Users can also set a sync delay using the Sync Warning Timer Duration field. This timer is used to set a delay for how much time a user has before the sync operation runs. Once a sync operation begins it cannot be cancelled.
The Sync Settings tab is divided into two sections:
Automatic Sync – This section is used to configure when the sync runs and a few other settings.
- Run Online Sync When Outlook Starts – This field is used to automatically start the Online Sync when Outlook starts.
- Run Offline Sync When Outlook Closes – This field is used to automatically start the Offline Sync when Outlook closes.
- Sync Warning Timer Duration – This field is used to set how much time a user has before the Sync starts. The timer is used to give users enough time to cancel the sync.
- Close Sync Dialog When Sync Finishes – This field is used to automatically close the sync dialog window after the sync is complete. This field should be checked if the Run Offline Sync When Outlook Closes field is checked.
Include in Quick Sync – This section is used to select what items to take offline during a Quick Sync.
- Drop and Rebuild Tables in QuickSync – This field is used to determine whether screens and views are dropped and rebuilt when a Quick Sync is performed. This field should be left checked if the company is still configuring Tour de Force screens in the Screen Designer. This field is typically left checked for a few months after Tour de Force is installed, and should only be unchecked if the speed of the Sync becomes an issue.
Reference Chart for Items Included in a Quick Sync:
BSI: By checking this box the BSI Summary data is taken offline. |
Assets: By checking this box any of the Assets tied to an Account Package is taken offline. |
BSI Alternate 1: By checking this box the custom BSI information is taken offline. |
Events: By checking this box Events that are in the Managers Console is taken offline. |
BSI Alternate 2: By checking this box the custom BSI information is taken offline. |
Mailer: By checking this box users will be able to see Mailings that have been sent is taken offline. |
BSI Quotes and Orders: By checking this box all of the Open Quotes and Orders for the selected Account Packages are taken offline. |
Phone Logging: By checking this box the call details that were logged for customers is taken offline. |
BSI History and Planning: By checking this box the Company Snapshot is taken offline. |
Products: By checking this box any products that were used for Quotes is taken offline. |
BSI Line Item Rollup: By checking this box all Line Items is taken offline. |
Product Registration: By checking this field all lines used for Quotes is taken offline. |
BSI Line Item Sales: By checking this box all Line items for each sales person is taken offline. |
Quotes: By checking this box any items that have been entered into Tour de Force as a Quote is taken offline. |
BSI Sales By Salesman: By checking this field a Group Summary for each Salesman is taken offline. |
Templates: By checking this box Word or Quote templates is taken offline. |
BSI Salesman Summary Detail: By checking this box a Detailed Sales by Salesman summary is taken offline. |
Tickets: By checking this box all Tickets in the Ticket system is taken offline. |
Sync Filters Tab
In the Sync Filters tab there are two main options that users have to filter information related to an offline and online sync. The first is the Date Filters section that, by default, pulls information from a 60 day window. If necessary this option can be set up to pull more or less than 60 days. However, the larger the date ranges the more time the synchronization process takes to complete.
There are two sections in the Sync Filters tab:
- Date Filters – This section allows users to set date filters on Activities, Appointments, Assets, Documents, Emails, Notes, Phone Logging, Tasks, Tickets, and BSI Line Item Sales information related to the Account Packages selected in the Account Packages tab. The Sync All field is used to ignore the date fields set and to have all items created to be pushed to the Offline Database.
- Account Filter(s) – This section allows users to set filters on the Account records located in the Account Packages selected in the Account Packages tab. For example a salesperson could just choose to filter down on their territory or region. Before the filter section can be used the Load Account UDF’s to be Filtered button must be clicked. Users can see a preview of the Accounts that are going to be synced by clicking the Show Accounts button.
Public Sync Tab
The Public Sync tab is used to perform the synchronization. This tab contains the functions that allow users to sync offline and online as well as perform a full sync. When the Tour de Force Database Sync utility is first used a full sync must be performed. The Public Sync tab also shows the user the last full sync ran on the user’s computer, as well as the when the last successful sync was performed.
There are seven fields and buttons associated with the Public Sync tab:
- TdF Item\Records Only – If this radio button is checked then only the information related to the User Defined Fields on the Tour de Force records or items get synced offline. With this option checked no BSI related information gets synced offline. Using this option could speed up the sync process if the user does not need to see the BSI data while in an offline state.
- BSI Data Only – If this radio button is checked then only the information related to the BSI data is going to sync offline to the offline database. That means that no UDFs are going sync to the offline database, which means while in an offline state the user may not have the most recent information related to the records and items in Tour de Force.
- Both TdF and BSI Data – If this radio button is checked then both the BSI data and information related to all the UDFs are going to be synced offline. While this option is the slowest of the three it is also the only option that gives the user the most accurate picture of the data in Tour de Force.
- Sync to Work OFFLINE – Clicking this button begins the sync process.
- Sync to Work ONLINE – Clicking this button syncs the offline database back to the server-side database.
- Full Sync – This option is used to do a full sync of information in Tour de Force to the offline database. This option needs to be used on the initial set up of the Offline Sync as well as when any changes have been made to the Database Schema, which is normally the case after each Tour de Force upgrade.
- Rebuild All – This option is normally used by Tour de Force support to verify that the Offline Database schema is the same as the current server-side schema.
- Configuration of SQL Server 2008 Express Edition
Before the Offline Sync can be set up and used, SQL Server 2008 Express Edition needs to be installed. Users can also install SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, which grants the user 10 GB of offline storage space. The instructions for installing both are the same, and only one needs to be installed. Before downloading and installing either one discuss which one to download with the Tour de Force Administrator.
Note: Please read all of the installation instructions for SQL Express 2008 before you begin the installation.
- Download SQL Express 2008 from www.microsoft.com/downloads
- After the download is complete double click the .exe file for Microsoft SQL Express 2008. On the startup screen double click the Installation link.
- Click on the New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation option.
- On the Setup Support Rules screen click the OK button once the operation is complete.
- On the Product Key screen click the Next button.
- Accept the license agreement and click the Next button.
- Click the Install button.
- Once the operation is complete click the Next button.
Note: The Windows Firewall warning can be ignored.
- On the Feature Select screen click the Database Engine Services and SQL Client Connectivity SDK fields and then click the Next button.
- On the Instance Configuration screen click the Named Instance radio and enter TDF in the Named instance field. Click the Next button to continue with the installation process.
- On the Disk Space Requirement screen review the disk space requirements and make sure that the system has enough disk space to install this application. Click the Next button when done reviewing.
- On the Server Configuration screen change the SQL Server Database Engine Account Name field to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and make sure that the Startup Type field is set to Automatic. The SQL Server Browser can be left as disabled. Click the Next button to continue the installation process.
- On the Database Engine Configuration screen click the Mixed Mode radio button. In the Enter Password and Confirm Password fields type “!TDF4you” without the quotations.
- Click the FILESTREAM tab.
- Click the Enable FILESTREAM for Transact-SQL access field.
- Click the Enable FILESTREAM for file I/O streaming access field. Do not change the Windows share name field.
- Click the Allow remote clients to have streaming access to FILESTREAM data field. Once finished return to the Account Provisioning tab.
- Click the Add Current User button to add the user to the administrators group of SQL. Click the Next button to continue to the installation process.
- On the Error and Usage Reporting screen click the Next button.
- On the Installation Rules screen click the Next button.
- On the Ready to Install screen double check the information and configuration settings and click the Install button.
- Once the installation progress is complete click Next button.
- Once the installation of SQL Express 2008 is complete click the Close button to end the installation process.
- Enabling and Configuring FILESTREAM for Users
For users who have already been set up to run the Offline Sync, and have already installed SQL Server Express prior to version 6.0, those users need to enable and configure FILESTREAM. In version 6.0 of Tour de Force, users need to enable and configure FILESTREAM for users who have already been set up for use with the Offline Sync.
Note: For users that have not set up the Offline Sync prior to version 6.0 then this step can be skipped.
- Open the Start menu on Windows, and navigate to the installed version of SQL Server on that user’s computer.
- Click on SQL Server Configuration Manager.
- Select SQL Servers.
- Right click on the SQL Server instance currently running on the user’s computer and select Properties.
- Click the FILESTREAM tab.
- Click the Enable FILESTREAM for Transact-SQL access field.
- Click Enable FILESTREAM for file I/O access field.
- Click the Allow remote clients access to FILESTREAM data field.
- Click the Apply button and then close the SQL Server Properties window.
- Open SQL Management Studio.
- Connect to the local SQL Server instance that is going to be used for the Offline Sync.
- Right click on the server name in the Object Explorer window and select Properties.
- Select Advanced.
- Under the FILESTREAM section make sure that the value reads, “Full access enabled.”
- Click the OK button and close SQL Management Studio.
- Granting User Rights to Run Offline Sync
Before Offline Sync can be used the User Permission, for the user, needs to be updated in the Administration Console. The User Permission for Offline Sync is used to limit how many users have access to the Offline Sync utility. Typically users that are using laptops and travel frequently are the only users that should be set up to use the Offline Sync utility.
Note: This step only applies to users on Tour de Force version 4.3 or higher.
Use the following procedures to update the User Permissions for a user to grant them access to the Offline Sync utility:
- Open the Administration Console.
- Expand the Users, Permissions, and Organization Structure folder.
- Select User Permissions and click the Launch: User Permissions button.
- In the User Name column, select the user that needs to have rights to access the Offline Sync.
For example, select Beth Lortie if Beth is a user that needs to have access to the Offline Sync.
- In the User Rights tab, under the User Rights section, click the checkbox next to the Offline Sync user right.
Note: For users upgrading from an older version of Tour de Force, a new license file needs to be applied before the Offline Sync option appears. If the Offline Sync option does not appear, please contact Tour de Force Support.
- Continue changing updating the User Permission for every user that needs access to the Offline Sync. After all of the necessary users have been added, close the User Permissions utility and exit the Administration Console.
- Setting up and Running the Offline Sync Process
Once the installation of SQL Server Express 2008 is completed, the Tour de Force Database Sync can be configured using Outlook.
Use the following procedures to set up an offline database and run the initial offline sync:
- Click on the Database Sync icon located on the Tour de Force Toolbar to open the Tour de Force Database Sync utility.
- Click the Enable For Offline Use field.
- In the Connection Type field, select Prompt.
- Click the drop arrow in the Server Name field and choose the instance listed off to the right of the drop down box.
- In the User Name field type in sa and in the Password field type !TDF4you. Retype the password in the Confirm Password field.
Note: Do not click the Use Integrated Security field unless instructed to by Tour de Force Support.
- Click the Save Settings button to apply the user name and password.
- Click the Create Offline Database button.
- Click the Test Database Connection button.
Note: If the information has been entered correctly TEST COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY displays in the Test Offline Database Connection Information dialogue box. If the test failed make sure that the information entered in the Server Name, User Name, and Password fields are correct.
- In the Account Packages tab select the Account Packages that need be taken offline. If no Account Packages are selected then no information displays in Tour de Force after the offline sync has been performed.
- In the Sync Settings tab check the Run Online Sync When Outlook Starts and Run Offline Sync When Outlook Closes fields. The Tour de Force recommends setting the Sync Warning Timer Duration field to at least 60 seconds.
- Under the next section heading Include in QuickSync multiple options are available for the users to choose what information gets taken offline in a Quick Sync.
Note: The first time the sync is being run none of these fields should be checked. The only field that should be checked is the Drop and Rebuild Tables on QuickSync field. In subsequent syncs this box does not need to be checked.
- In the Sync Filters tab choose the filters that need to be applied to the sync process. For the Date Filters section a 60 day window is automatically applied to the date ranges for the fields located in the Date Filters section. Increasing the date range for each field increases the time of the synchronization process.
- Another filter can be applied to the Account records located in the Account Packages selected in the Account Packages tab. Click the Load Account UDF’s to be Filtered button to use the Account Filter(s) section.
Note: When a full sync needs to be run any filters that have been set are overridden.
- In the Public Sync tab expand the Advanced Options section and check the Full Sync field. This field is only checked during the first time an offline database is being created or during any time that a full sync needs to be run. A full sync should be run after an upgrade to Tour de Force has been made or changes have been made to the Database Schema.
Full Sync’s pull all data in the Tour de Force database offline and take much longer than a Quick Sync.
- Click the Both TdF and BSI Data radio button and click the Sync to Work OFFLINE button. Do not cancel the Sync when it begins to run as this could corrupt the offline database.
- Syncing the Tour de Force Database back Online
After an offline sync has been performed the information entered into Tour de Force is only entered into the offline database on the user’s computer. In order to sync Tour de Force back to the server-side database, Outlook must be restarted. This time when Outlook opens click the Work Online with Tour de Force button.
A sync screen displays and looks for any changes that had been made to the offline database and syncs those changes back to the server-side database. After this process completes Tour de Force is connected to the server-side database and can be used in an online state.
The purpose of this technical bulletin is to provide instructions for use of the Tour de Force Database Sync utility to create an offline database to use for syncing Tour de Force offline and online. Syncing offline is useful for sales people who do not work at the main office of the company and cannot use the network connection to work online. When the user sync’s back online the information is automatically updated in the Tour de Force database.
For further assistance or questions submit a support request at http://www.tourdeforcesupport.com.
Version: 6 of Technical Bulletin 6104
©2013 Tour de Force
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