This section helps with:
- Understand the purpose of templates
- Understand how to use templates to create Document items
- Understand how to use templates for Expense items
Screens covered in this section:
- The Tour de Force Opportunity form
- The Tour de Force Account form
- The Expense Wizard
Tour de Force gives companies the ability to create templates for business and other documents that are used frequently during the sales cycle, as well as used to manage customer and other business relationships. For example, a company uses the same document when sending quotes to prospects and customers.
Templates allow users to be more efficient because the initial work when creating documents is finished, which means less time is needed when creating documents. Templates save time because users have a starting point for documents, forms, and business material. Users can add or modify text and design, or delete text or other content that does not apply.
Examples of templates that can be designed and used in Tour de Force include:
- Letters for correspondence
- Business forms for billing and inventory
- Newsletters
- Brochures
- Flyers
- Postcards
- Stationery
- Greeting cards
- Invitations
Templates are created in Microsoft Word and saved as a .dot or a .dotx file. Tour de Force data fields are mapped to bookmarks in the Microsoft Word template file. Finally, the Microsoft Word template and mappings are published in the Templates Administration utility located in the Tour de Force Administration Console.
Templates are maintained by Account Root. Therefore, different templates can be created when a company has multiple regions or divisions that have different addresses or logos.
Types of Templates in Tour de Force
In Tour de Force, there are multiple types of Templates that can be designed. The type of template determines when the template can be used:
- Account
- Contact
- Opportunity
- Quote
- Expenses
Account-based templates can only be used while working with Account records. When an Account-based template is used to create a new document, a Document item is linked to the Account record in Tour de Force. Examples of Account-based templates include Customer Account Record Change Form, Customer Reseller Change Form, and Corporate Letterhead.
Contact-based templates can only be used while working with Contact records. When a Contact-based template is used to create a new document, a Document item is linked to the Contact record in Tour de Force. Examples of Contact-based templates include Contact Record Change Form, Invoice, and Fax Coversheet.
Opportunity-based templates can only be used while working with Opportunity records. When an Opportunity-based template is used to create a new document, a Document item is linked to the Opportunity record in Tour de Force. Examples of Opportunity-based templates include Purchase Order, Quote, and Invoice.
Quote-based templates are only used when printing quotes in the Tour de Force Opportunity form. When a Quote-based template is used to create a new document, a Document item is link to the Opportunity record in Tour de Force.
Note: Only one quote-based template can be set up and used when printing quotes in the Tour de Force Opportunity form. If multiple formats of a quote need to be used, then set up each version of the quote as a Contact-based or Opportunity-based template.
Expense-based templates are only used when printing out Expense Reports in the Expense Wizard. The template related to Expense items can be edited using the edit template function in the Expense Wizard.
Creating a Document Item from Account-Based Templates
The MRH Technology Group recommends using the Global Search utility in Tour de Force when using a template to create a Document item to associate with an Account record.
Use the following procedures to create a new Document item using an Account-based template:
- Click the Global Search button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- Type the name or partial name of the Account record in the For field, and then press the Enter key.
- Locate the Account record in the grid section of the Global Search window, and right click on the Account record to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Template on the Quick Events menu.
- Select the appropriate template from the list.
- Type a brief description to associate with the new document in the Subject field, and then click the OK button.
Note: The Subject field is the name of the document.
- After Microsoft Word opens, make any necessary changes to the document.
- Save the document and close Microsoft Word.
Viewing a Document Item for an Account Record
After the document is saved, a new Document item is linked to the Account record.
Use the following procedures to view the new Document item linked to the Account record:
- Click the Global Search button.
- Type the name or partial name of the Account record in the For field and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
- Locate the Account record in the grid section of the Global Search window, and right click on the Account record to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Views | Documents on the Quick Events menu.
- In the Quick View for Account window, locate the appropriate Document item and click the Open Folder icon to open the Document item.
Creating a Document Item from Contact-Based Templates
The MRH Technology Group recommends using the Global Search utility in Tour de Force when using a template to create a Document item for a Contact record.
Use the following procedures to use a Contact-based template to create a new Document item:
- Click the Global Search button.
- In the Item Type field select Contact.
- Type the name or partial name of the Contact record in the For field, and then press the Enter key.
- Locate the Contact record in the grid section of the Global Search window, and right click on the Contact record to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Template on the Quick Events menu.
- Select the appropriate template from the list.
- Type a brief description to associate with the new document in the Subject field, and then click the OK button.
- After Microsoft Word opens, make any necessary changes to the document.
- Save the document and close Microsoft Word.
Viewing a Document Item for a Contact Record
After the document is saved, a new Document item is linked to the Contact record.
Use the following procedures to view the new Document item linked to the Contact record:
- Click the Global Search button.
- In the Item Type field select Contact.
- Type the name or the partial name in the For field and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
- Locate the Contact record in the grid section of the Global Search window, and right click on the Contact record to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Views | Documents on the Quick Events menu.
- In the Quick View for Contact window, locate the appropriate Document item and click the Open Folder icon to open the Document item.
Creating a Document Item from Opportunity-Based Templates
The MRH Technology Group recommends using the Global Search utility in Tour de Force when using a template to create a document to associate with an Opportunity record.
Use the following procedures to use an Opportunity-based template to create a new Document item:
- Click the Global Search button.
- Type the name or partial name of the Account record in the For field, and then press the Enter key.
- Locate the Account record in the grid section of the Global Search window, and right click on the Account record to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Views |Opportunities on the Quick Events menu.
- In the Quick View for Account window, locate the appropriate Opportunity record and right click on the Opportunity record to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Templates and then select the appropriate template from the list.
- Type a brief description to associate with the new document in the Subject field, and then click the OK button.
- After Microsoft Word opens, make any necessary changes to the document.
- Save the document and close Microsoft Word.
Viewing a Document Item for a Contact Record
After the document is saved, a new Document item is linked to the Contact record.
Use the following procedures to view the new Document item linked to the Opportunity record:
- Click the Global Search button.
- Locate the appropriate Account record and access the Quick View for Account window.
- Locate the Opportunity record in the grid section of the Quick View for Account window, and right click to display the Quick Events menu.
- Select Views | Documents on the Quick Events menu.
- In the Quick View for Opportunity window, locate the appropriate Document item and click the Open Folder icon to open the Document item.
Using Quote Templates
A Quote-based template only needs to be set up if quotes are being created and printed in the Tour de Force Opportunity form.
Note: Only one Quote-based template can be set up and used when printing quotes in the Tour de Force Opportunity form.
When a Quote-based template is used to create a new document, a Document item is link to the Opportunity record in Tour de Force. Although Tour de Force allows a Contact record to be associated with the quote, a link is not created between the Quote and the Contact record. This functionality allows information related to the Contact record to be printed on the Quote.
Use the following procedures to use a Quote-based template:
- After completing the quote in the Tour de Force Opportunity form, click the Documents tab.
- Click the Generate Document button to open the Select Contact window.
- In the Select Contact window search for a Contact record to associate with the Quote.
- Click the Paper Clip icon to associate a Contact record with the Quote.
- Select the appropriate template in the Templates window and click the OK button.
- Type in a name of the document.
- After Microsoft Word opens, make any necessary changes to the document.
- Save the document and close Microsoft Word, or print the document.
Viewing Document Items Linked to Opportunity Records Related to Quotes
Once a quote document has been saved, a new Document item is linked to the Opportunity record using the template that was used to create the quote document. This Document item contains the quote that was created from the Opportunity record in relation to the Contact record that was selected.
Use the following procedures to view the new Quote or Document item:
- Use the Global Search utility to open the appropriate Opportunity record.
- On the Sales Detail tab, under the Specification tab, click the Linked Item Type field and select Documents.
- Locate the Document item related to the newly created quote and click the Open Folder icon to open the Document item.
- To open the quote document without accessing the Tour de Force Document form click the Paper Clip button and select the appropriate document.
Printing an Expense Report
Templates are also used when printing an Expense Report. This template is used to show expenses incurred due to mileage or any other expense that needs to be billed to the company or a customer. Expense Report templates also show any relevant information related to the Account or Contact record associated with the Expense item.
Use the following procedures to create and print an Expense Report using the template related to Expense items:
- Click the Expense Wizard button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- Locate the appropriate Expense item or create a new Expense item.
For assistance with creating an Expense item refer to the Working with Expense Items document.
- Click the Create Report button.
- Choose which Export Option needs to be used for the Expense Report.
For Option 1 select the date range and any optional fields that needs to be included in the Expense Report.
- Before clicking the Export to Expense Report button, make sure that the Export To Excel Template field is selected. If the Export To Excel button is selected, no template is used when the report is created.
- Click the Export Expense Report button.
Editing Expense Item Templates
When creating Expense Reports from the Expense Wizard, users have the capability to edit the template related to Expense items.
Use the following procedures to edit the template related to Expense items:
- Click the Expense Wizard button.
- On the Expense Wizard form click the Edit Template button.
- Make the desired changes to the template and then save the template.
Version 4 of Working with Templates
®2009 Tour de Force
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