Finding key metrics while on the go can be the final thing you need to close a sale or place an order. This is why we've added a Business Intelligence (BI) module to the TDF/Sherpa CRM mobile app. It replicates some of the basic BI functions found in the full version of the software. As a note, you do need to have our MITS software integrated into your existing application for the BI section of the TDF/Sherpa CRM mobile app to function.
All of the BI available to a user in the mobile app will be based on the sales rep, account, customer, and other identifier security established in the main software.
BI Can be reached from several places within the app. The first is from the home screen. Here you'll find a BI option (if configured for your account).
Tapping on BI from the home screen will cause the app to offer a list of all the dashboards and scorecards you have access to. Tapping on any one will open the dashboard or scorecard and present each of the available sub-sections. Here is an example of the Executive Review Dashboard.
Tapping each section will open the section and reveal the objects contained within. Just like in the main software, charts are interactive. But because of screen size constraints, not all numbers on a chart may be displayed.
Another way to access BI data is from the Account screen. Again there will be a BI menu you can tap. This will display BI options limited to the account you are viewing.
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