Adding a new user includes getting the user added to the identity server, which is what allows us to verify your user across the different White Cup platforms, no matter which pieces you are using (TDF CRM, MITS BI, and/or mobile).
- While logged in as an admin to TDF web, go to Admin > Admin Utilities.
- From the left-hand menu, select Manage Users.
- This will give you a list of your users in the identity server. Hit the + Add User button.
- Enter the username, password, first name, last name, and email address for the new user. Hit Save at the bottom.
- Next, click on User Permissions on the left-hand side of your screen.
- Use the dropdown under USERS to select “Non Configured Users.” This will give you a list of users who have been added to the identity server but have not been configured for TDF permissions yet.
- Find the user you just added to the identity server, and click the + button to add as an active user in TDF.
- Your user can now be configured with TDF settings and permissions as normal. Change your USERS dropdown list back to “Full Users” and continue with setting permissions as usual.
- You’ll see in User Info that the user’s name, email address, and password have carried over from what you’ve previously entered.
- If the user will be using TDF Desktop or the TDF Outlook add-in, you will also need to update their SID. To acquire an SID, you will need to access the Command Prompt application on the Rep's Computer. Once you have launched the Command Prompt by going to the Start Menu -> Command Prompt, you will want to type in whoami -user please see the example below. You may Copy this for the next step.
- In the SID box, change the SID to match the user's SID on their Windows PC from the previous step. Then hit the save icon.
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