Using the Activity Wizard
Overview of the Activity Wizard
The Activity Wizard is designed to allow users to enter multiple Activity items into Tour de Force quickly and efficiently. Multiple Activity items can be entered and associated with the same parent item, which can be any Account, Contact, Opportunity, Event, Contract, Literature, or Support record.
Multiple Activity items can also be entered and associated with different parent items in the Activity Wizard window proficiently. For example, a customer service representative can keep the Activity Wizard window open during the day to enter all sales calls to and from customers as the sales calls occur. Alternately, a salesperson can enter all of the onsite visits and calls to and from customers for the day and night or when appropriate.
Since the specifications section of the Activity Wizard is 100% configurable, fields have been added to the form as examples for the purposes of this technical bulletin. These fields may not exist during the implementation process and are generally set up during the initial phase of implementation.
Note: The procedures or steps used to create and link an Activity item to an Account, a Contact, an Opportunity, an Event, a Contract, a Literature, and a Support record are similar once the Parent Item has been associated with the Activity item.
Accessing the Activity Wizard
There are two ways to access the Activity Wizard:
- Click the Activity Wizard button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- Click the Activity Wizard button in the Info Center
- Working with the Activity Wizard
This section provides an overview of the Activity Wizard form and provides information on what each button does in relation to the Activity Wizard.
Open Parent – Once the parent item has been linked to the Activity item, the Open Parent button is used to open that parent item in a new form.
To search for Parent Account - choose the binoculars icon
Save – This button is used to save the Activity item without closing the Activity Wizard.
Save & New – This button saves the Activity item and clears all of the fields associated with the Activity Wizard except for the Parent Item field. This allows users to create multiple Activity items using the same parent item.
Save & Clear – This button saves the Activity item and clears all of the detail fields associated with the Activity Wizard including the Parent Item field.
Save and Close – This button saves the Activity item and closes the Activity Wizard.
- How to Create a New Activity Item in the Activity Wizard
Use the following procedures to create a new Activity item for an Account record using the Activity Wizard:
- Click the Activity Wizard button on the Tour de Force toolbar.
- Click the Parent Search button to open the Select Parent window.
- In the Item Type field associated with the Select Parent window, select Account.
- In the For field, type the name of the partial name of the Account record, and then press the Enter key on the keyboard.
For example, type Acme in the For field and press the Enter key on the keyboard. Clicking the Binocular button also executes the search.
- After locating the Account record in the grid click the Chain Link button.
Note: The Bread Crumb displays the name of the linked parent item.
- Fill out the Activity item and the click the Save button.
- Working with the Notes Field
When typing and associating content in the Notes field of the Activity Wizard, users have the ability to insert a Personal or Global Body Draft, Save the Notes field for template purposes, insert a Header, and perform a spell check which allows a user to select which dictionaries should be used.
Using a Personal or Global Body Draft
Global and Personal Body Drafts can be used when creating a new Activity items. A Global and Personal Body Draft is a draft message or note that users can save and use later.
Body drafts allow users to be more efficient and consistent when entering in Activity items. Depending on the types of activities that are performed and tracked, body drafts can be set up for anything. The drafts keep users from having to type in the same information repeatedly by already having a template ready for use. This is especially useful if users must enter in notes from a meeting or a sales call.
Use the following procedures to use a Global Body Draft:
- Click the Templates button.
- Select Global from the menu. Then Select the appropriate body draft from the Global menu.
Insert Header
The Insert Header button populates the following information into the Notes field before the text or content.
- User Name
- Date
- Time
Use the following procedures to insert a header into the Notes field:
- Click the Insert Header button.
- The header information is displayed at the top of the Notes field.
Spell Check
When typing and associating content in the Notes field of the Activity Wizard, users can perform a spell check while completing the Activity item.
Use the following procedures to perform the spell check:
- Click the Spell Check button.
- If the spell check does not discover any spelling errors click the OK button.
A user may disable the automatic spell check feature in the dictionary’s options.
Dictionary Options
When using the spell check feature in the Notes field of the Activity Wizard, a user has the ability to select which dictionaries are used to perform the spell check. The Dictionary Options dialog box also provides the option for a user to disable automatic spell checks.
Use the following procedures to make selections within the Dictionary Options dialog box:
- Click the Dictionary Options button. Check or uncheck the Enable Spell-check field to enable or disable the automatic spell check.
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