- Web Homepage Dashboards Overview
The Tour de Force Web Dashboard is made up of different tiles that are capable of displaying information such as your Daily Summary, BI Visualizations, and a list of BYORs or Alerts and Notifications. Within the tiles, you can also display a full BYOR or an individual Alert and Notification.
- Creating a Customized Dashboard
With the appropriate permissions, you now have the ability to fully customize your Home Page Layout by defining a Dashboard. Global Dashboards are defined by an Administrator and available for all users whereas Personal Dashboards may be available for any end user with the appropriate permissions. Switch to Designer Mode and get creative with your Personal View. Swap tiles on the screen, add a section to your dashboard, and create a personalized tile to view on your dashboard.
*Note: You can have 1 Global Dashboard and 5 Personal Dashboard views.
- Changing Dashboard views
You can change between the available dashboards by selecting the one you want to use in the drop-down located in the top left section of TDF Web. You can also select the Dashboard that you would like to default when you load the Home Page by checking the box next to that view.
- Summary Settings
The Summary Settings button allows you to see what section is currently being used for the loaded Dashboard, as well as which Tiles are utilizing that Selection (indicated by the tiles you see on the screen that are highlighted).
- Change Summary Settings
If you would like to change your summary selection that’s being used for the Dashboard, click Change Summary Settings. As stated in the drop down, the summary settings that you select will only be applied to the highlighted section. This gives you the flexibility to control the information being displayed in the dashboard whether you would like to see everything for the entire company or all the way down to an individual sales rep level.
After clicking on Change Summary Settings it will show you the Folder Structure based on permissions that you have access to. You would then be able to Expand or Collapse on the different levels of the folder structure you want to view or you can choose the “Expand All Nodes” to see everything.
Individually check the box next to the one(s) you want to make visible within the Dashboard.
Or you have the option to “Select All Visible” to select all items visible to reflect on the Dashboard.
If you want to your selections so you can start over in selecting what you want visible choose the “Clear Selections” option.
When you are done making your selections click “OK” to save the settings or “Cancel” to keep the current selections you had set already.
- View/Design Mode
If you have been given permissions to create or edit dashboards, you can change between View/Design mode by toggling the switch.
View Mode allows you to see a “view only” of the Dashboard and you are unable to modify any of the existing sections.
To modify the current dashboard, click the switch to enable Design Mode.
Once you are in design mode, you have the ability to add, remove, or modify tiles or entire sections, save a new or existing dashboard, or share a personal dashboard with another user. A section defines the layout of columns that you choose.
To add a new section, at the top of the screen click Add Dashboard Section.
Select the column arrangement that you would like to use from the available options. These will range from a single section up to 6 sections.
Once you add the new Section, it will appear at the top of the screen. If you would like, you can drag and drop the new section anywhere within the Dashboard.
Once you have added a section, you can change the column layout by selecting the drop down menu on the right hand side, and choosing a new layout. If you have existing tiles in a section with multiple columns, selecting a section layout with less columns than the existing layout, will combine the tiles into the available columns.
To add a new Tile to an existing Section, click the plus sign on the right hand side.
Next, select the Tile you would like to add. Depending on the type of Tile you select, you will be prompted with additional configuration options such as the Title and specific settings that can be configured. Once you have applied your settings, you can click Preview to preview your tile, or Apply to apply it to the dashboard.
As with Sections, you can drag and drop a tile anywhere within the Dashboard. A section column can hold more than one tile. if you add more than one tile to a section column, the tiles will be stacked vertically.
Once you have your Dashboard configured the way you like, you can click the Save Icon to save it.
- First give the dashboard a name.
- Next choose whether you would like to use the user's Home List Settings (which is defined in the User Settings page and also drives the CRM data), or if you would like to use the Interactive Settings - which is defined specifically for the Dashboard from the Summary Settings button.
- The last option is to choose whether you want to overwrite the existing Dashboard, or create a new Global or Personal view.
- As mentioned, there are limits to the amount of Global and Personal dashboards that can be created. If you reach the maximum number, you will be prompted with a screen asking if you want to cancel or overwrite one of the existing dashboards.
- Share your personal dashboard
Finally, if you have created a personal dashboard that you would like to share, within Designer Mode, click the Share icon.
Click the Email icon to select from a list of any active TDF user to send the Share Key to. The user will need to have permissions to create Personal dashboard.
Once they receive the Share Key, they can go into Designer mode, and paste the Key into the "Receive Dashboard" field, or you can easily click the link in the email to load the dashboard. Once they have loaded the dashboard, it will load the shared dashboard on to their screen. They can either modify the dashboard, or save the it to their personal dashboards. it is important to remember that just loading the dashboard will not save it to your personal dashboards. you will need to save it in order to have it for future use.
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