Setting up the Lead Forensics Integration
There are several components that need to be configured prior to using Lead Forensics in Tour de Force.
- If necessary, your license file may need to be updated. Lead Forensics is included in the Premier Edition of Tour de Force but is add-on for all other editions. If a new license file is required, acquire the license file and apply it to your system (this is typically done for you by a Tour de Force employee).
Within user Permissions, go to License Admin, select “Load License File”, locate the license file and apply the updates.
- Next, there are 2 Permissions that need to be set prior to accessing Lead Forensics – an Administrator permission and a User permission.
Lead Admin - The “Lead Admin” permission allows you to go in and configure the API.
View Lead Forensics – “The View Lead Forensics” permission allows you to view the Lead Forensics portal in TdF Web.
Once these permissions have been configured appropriately, the next step is to log into Tour de Force web. Once you are logged in, go to the Admin menu and select “Integrations”.
On the Integrations screen, you will be prompted for the Client ID and API Key. This information can be found on the Support tab within the Customer’s Lead Forensics account.
(Lead Forensics Portal)
Once you have entered this information and clicked “Confirm”, the Lead Forensics Integration has been configured and is ready for use!
Using the Lead Forensics Portal in Tour de Force Web
To use the Lead Forensics portal, you can launch it from Tour de Force Web via the Utilities menu. (Make sure the user has “View Lead Forensics” permissions enabled. Click here for details on how to set that up.)
Once you have loaded the Lead Forensics portal, you will be presented with all the Accounts that have visited your website in the last 7 days. Please keep in mind that Lead Forensics only pulls the “company-level” information, so there will not be any information related to the individual contacts that visited your site.
The columns of data you see in this grid are pulled directly from Lead Forensics.
In the top right-hand corner, you will see a slider indicating the date range of the date. You can click and rag either side of the slide (the grey box with the date) to adjust the amount of data you are looking at.
You can use the Search box located in the top right-hand corner to search for anywhere that a certain string of characters exists within the entire grid.
You can also use the Auto-Filter to search for a string of characters in a specific column.
If you drill into a Company, you can see several things:
- The # of pages they visited
- The duration of time they spent on the pages
- The Referrer (where they were at prior to visiting your site)
- The Link (if available) to the referrer’s site
If you drill in a second level, from here, you can see a breakdown of the actual pages they visited, as well as the URL for that page.
If you identify a Lead that you would like to create in Tour de Force, simply check the box next to the account and click “Create Lead”.
Here you will be prompted to do 1 of 2 things.
- Perform a Global Search to see if the account already exists.
- Select a Parent Account Package
You can perform a Global search if you would like, to verify that the Account doesn’t already exist.
The Global Search, Recent Items, and Favorites screen will load, allowing you to look for the Account on your system.
Alternatively, you can select the Account Package that you would like the Lead to belong to. Once you have identified your Account Package, click the green “OK” button.
This will bring up the Lead form. As stated before, Lead Forensics does not provide any contact-level detail for the visitor to your site. Using resources such as LinkedIn, you will need to identify the contact information that you will provide for the lead. All the company’s information such as name, address, web address, etc. will be provided. Once you are done filling out the information, click “Save & Close” to save the Lead.
Back on the Lead Forensics Portal, any Company’s that have been entered as a Lead will now display with strike-out font indicating their presence in the Tour de Force database.
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