The Wordpress API Plugin connects the Tour de Force database to any Wordpress website in order for users to cleanly display Events on their webpage. The information displayed on the webpage must be set up in the Event Manager with the proper settings in place in order for the information to be visible. The plugin provides users the ability to display items on a webpage without the involvement of a web developer.
Requirements and Limitations:
- Event Manager
- New Tab added to Event Manager to control display parameters for the website with the following UDF’s:
- Show on Marketing Site
- Feature Event
- Additional HTML
- Event Pic Link
- At this time, the event must have at least one session added to be visible for the API to display on the external website.
- External site development is recommended for event registration through Tour de Force for both Tour de Force contacts and new contacts.
- Events are now added to website through the Tour de Force Event Manager
- Feature events on website, formatting the featured events to headline the page
- Custom pictures for featured events
- Zero to minimal knowledge of HTML and CSS code needed
- Automatic and Customizable formatting of events and featured events
- Customizable display and other options through a WordPress admin page
- Ability to add custom HTML, ie: Act-on registration button, links to other pages on site
- Responsive design
- Easy installation
WordPress Admin page for TDF API Connector Plugin
Options available to edit:
- WordPress Page ID for Events - Specifies the page that events will appear on within WordPress.
- Default Featured Event Image - Customize the default image for featured events when no image is specified in event manager.
- Image Minimum Height - For formatting issues that may arise. Default is set to 250px.
- Image Overlay Background Color - Change the color of the image overlay for featured events. Defaults to a transparent black.
- Featured Text Color - Change the color of featured events text.
- Already using Bootstrap - If the WordPress theme is already using Bootstrap, select “Yes” to avoid potential conflicts.
- Featured Event Limit - Limits the number of featured events on the page.
- Display Sessions? - Will display individual sessions underneath event headline. This does not apply to Featured Events.
Under Event Options:
- Display Event Description: defaults to no.
- Display City/State: defaults to yes.
- Display Location: defaults to no.
- Display Event Fees: defaults to no. Under Session Options:
- Display Session Description: defaults to no.
- Display Session Fees: defaults to no.
- Create page in WordPress.
- Take note of page id.
- Drag the TDF API Connector into the plugins folder of your selected WordPress Theme.
- Activate Plugin
- Set page id in Admin settings, along with other desired options.
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