The Filter Bookmarks allow you to create filters that are dynamic according to who is logged into the system, preventing the need for multiple global or personal views.
The bookmarks point to information that is stored in the “User Info” tab in User Permissions. To access this information, in Tour de Force, go to “Admin Utilities”, “Users, Permissions, and Organizational Structure”, and select “User Permission Wizard”
Use the chart below, and the image above to learn more about the bookmarks, where they point in User Permissions, and how they can be used.
Using Filter Bookmarks in your Grid Views
We can use the Filter Bookmarks within Grid view filters to create dynamic views that change according to who is logged in to Tour de Force. Here are a couple of examples on how they can be used:
- Let’s say we have a Salesman who has access to all the accounts in your system for all Salesman. In the past, to create a grid view to display just his accounts, you would need to create a separate view for that salesman. Now, with the Filter Bookmarks, you can use the @(SalesmanID) bookmark to filter out accounts that have his Salesman ID stamped on them. (You will need to make sure that his Salesman ID is added to his User Info tab (as reflected in the screen shot on page 2)).
- At Tour de Force, we utilize the Support Record to track requests for our customers. On our Support form, we have a field called “Is Working On” that we use to assign the request to a Tour de Force employee. We can utilize the @(User-Name) bookmark to create a grid view to show only requests for the user that is logged in.
To create a Filter using the Bookmarks, open Grid Manager and go to the Server-Side Filters tab.
Click the “+” sign or press the “Insert” key to add a new condition to the filter.
Once you have added your filter, select the field you want to filter on, choose your operator (equals, does not equal, etc.), and then in the last field, we’ll type the bookmark we want to use. In this example, we are using @(User-Name).
There are times, depending on the bookmark, that the bookmark will auto-change to “My Full Name” or “My User ID”, but if you notice in the bottom of the filter builder, it will display the actual bookmark. There are other instances where it won’t “auto-change”, but will still work correctly.
At this point, you can do one of the two following things:
- Click “Apply” to preview the grid view with the Filter applied.
- Click “Save” to over-write the existing grid view with your new filter.
Using Filter Bookmarks in Alerts/Notifications
Filter Bookmarks can be used in Alerts/Notifications. This is helpful in a situation when employees have access to all your data, but you only want them to receive specific information within the alerts. In the past, you would have to create an alert, subscribe all your users, then go into each user and apply filters to filter out the data they wanted to see. Now, with Filter Bookmarks, you can create the alert, apply the filter at the Alert level, and then subscribe your users. The alert will get filtered according to who is subscribed, and only show their information.
To use a Filter Bookmark in alerts, first we’ll open Alerts/Notifications. You can access this by going to your “Admin Utilities” menu, “Advanced Feature Setup”, “Manage Alerts & Notifications”. Next, open the mailing that your Alert is a part of.
Previously, if someone had access to all the company’s records, you would have to go through and define a filter for each person individually. This made managing the alerts very cumbersome.
Now, with Filter Bookmarks, instead of having to configure a filter for each user, you can simply create one filter that will filter according to who is receiving the alert.
At Tour de Force, each one of our Customers (Accounts) is assigned to a Customer Experience Team. We have a User Defined Field (UDF) on the Account screen that identifies which team is assigned to that Account. To make Alerts more efficient, we can use one of the “User” fields in User Permissions to identify which team an employee belongs to, then use the Filter Bookmark @(User-User1) to filter out all the Accounts where the Customer Experience Team = User1.
To do this, click on the field under the “Edit Filter” column.
Then click on the “Edit” hyperlink beside “Item Filter”.
Click the “+” sign or press the “Insert” key to add a new condition to the filter.
So, for example, as mentioned above, we’ll create a filter using the User1 field in User Permissions to filter out each person’s assigned accounts.
Choose the field you want to filter, pick the operator, and then we’ll type in the bookmark @(User-User1) for this example.
Once you have the Filter built, save the changes. You can see below that depending on who we run the alert for, the alert returns different examples:
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