IT Services offers fields to make quoting, forecasting, and reporting on IT Services quicker and easier in Sherpa. This integration will allow you to price out new models and accessories along with the added flexibility to present combined IT Services and IT Hardware proposals. To Accommodate the frequent pricing changes within this industry, the module will feature live pricing, and inventory status from Synnex and TechData – no spreadsheet prepping or importing will be necessary. Options to create different pricing options, such as one-time fees, recurring fees, and pass-through fees are available and the flexibility to add as many different customizable fees as necessary.
Administration Set Up
As an administrator you will want to make sure you structure your customizable IT Services Pricing and make sure your connections for the various API’s are set up in the Control Panel. To set up: Control Panel>Third Party Tools>IT Services. You will need to know your TechData UserName and Password as well as you Synnex Customer Number, User Name, Region and Password. This information you would obtain through TechData and Synnex. Once customizable costs and API connections are set up you can then allow users to generate proposals.
IT Service Pricing
Adding, Searching, Editing, or Deleting Service Pricing
Navigate to your Administration menu and select the IT Service Pricing option.
Options to create different pricing options, such as one-time fees, recurring fees, and pass-through fees are available and the flexibility to add as many different customizable fees as necessary.
Add Service
- Under Service, choose to Add Service
- Enter Name of IT Services being offered.
- Type in any additional information such as Category Description, SKU, Product Number, Additional Notes etc.
- Choose your Region from the Drop-Down Choice and enter in a Description if you choose to.
- Enter your Dealer Cost as well as any other associated costs in the additional spaces provided.
- Enter your OutCost as well as MSRP
- Then choose your Type:
- Pass Through would be a fee with no margin.
- Recurring would be a recurring charge that you can add a margin to.
- Hourly is a one-time applied charge.
- Add and additional Special Prices as applicable.
- Click on Save to save your changes or Cancel to cancel entering the new item
Searching Current Service
- From the dropdown menu search for current IT Service Pricing and costs associated.
- Enter you search criteria in the white blank space below each column header name to navigate to a specific pricing or scroll through all costs.
- Once you find your pricing select it to view the details.
Edit Current Service
- Choose the Edit Current Service to edit existing pricing on a selected service cost.
- Make any necessary changes to open fields, including your Special Prices, and choose Save.
Remove Service
To delete a service pricing, choose the service pricing you wish to remove, and select Remove Service from the Service dropdown menu.
Copy Current Service
To copy a current service pricing, choose the service pricing you wish to copy, and select Copy Current Service from the Service dropdown menu. This will make an exact copy of your selected pricing allowing you to make edits where needed and save to your pricing.
Editing Special Pricing Names
To edit the names of your special pricing levels, choose the Edit Special Pricing Names options from the Pricing dropdown. Type the name into the field and click Close and Save button. If eliminate a Special Pricing level make sure to rename it to the Special Pricing Level, it is. For example (see screen shot below): if I eliminate Gov Special, I would replace it with the name Special 1. These fields cannot be left blank. Note: that if you make edits to special pricing names here this will edit any special pricing name for your new model Item Pricing area as well.
Categories allows you to Add, Edit, and Delete categories that can be assigned to the new model devices in Item Pricing and in IT Service Pricing areas. Note: that if you make edits to category names here this will edit any category names in your new model Item Pricing area as well.
- When forecasting IT Services or Hardware it will default to a Category of IT Services. If you need to edit the name of the IT category being entered on Forecasts, edit the field name for the IT Services category.
- Click the Add button to add a category, or to edit or delete a category check the box next to the category and click the appropriate option.
- When deleting a category, you will want to choose another category to assign the items and opportunities to. Or, you can choose to keep the category name on the individual opportunities.
4. When Editing a category, note that it will also change the category on the number of devices in Item Pricing that have that category assigned to it.
Editing Cost Legend
To edit a cost level, click on the cost level you want to edit under Cost Legend, make changes and click Update.
View Price Book
View Price Book allows you to print the Service Pricing into a price book format.
Click on the View Price Book button and you will be given options to view and print either Dealer Costs, a Special Pricing level, or both. Make your choices and then click submit. You can also choose to show Notes and customize the sorting by either Name or Category.
Control Panel
Within your Administration, Control Panel and Third-Party tools tab you will now see a tab called IT Services. Compass currently integrates with Synnex, and TechData and this will allow you to set the connections needed along with Username and Password, to configure pricing within Solutions Configurator.
Configuring the Proposal
Within the Accounts window as you begin configuring the Proposal you will be able to price out new models and accessories and have the flexibility to present combined IT Services and IT Hardware Proposals. To accommodate the frequent pricing changes within this industry, the module features live pricing, and inventory status from Synnex, and TechData.
Creating a New Proposal
Add: To create a new proposal and add it to your proposal list, click on the Add Proposal (+) button. A box will open up and you will need to fill in the proposal name. The account name and contact name will auto-populate with the company name and primary contact from the record in the accounts tab. You can edit these if needed since they will populate onto the proposal later.
From the Proposal Type dropdown, you will want to select if you are doing an Imaging (models and accessories only), IT Services, or Both (models and accessories and IT Services)
Once you have entered your information, click on the submit button to add the proposal.
Edit: To edit an existing proposal within the same account’s proposal list, highlight the proposal name in the list and click on the Edit button.
Copy: To copy an existing proposal within the same account’s proposal list, first highlight the proposal in the proposal list, and then click on the copy proposal button. A copy will be created in your list of proposals.
Delete: To delete a proposal from the Proposal List, highlight the name of the proposal and then click on the Delete proposal button.
Selecting the Imaging option is going to allow you to work up a new Equipment only proposal, a bundled deal or an MPS agreement, as you currently do today.
Please refer to current manuals for process flow in proposing this type of proposal.
IT Services
Selecting the IT Services as an option is going to allow you to work up a new IT Services proposal.
When choosing IT Services only, once clicking on that proposal you will see that some of the normal tabs are not there. What you will see is Solution Configurator and Financials.
You will also have the option to choose both IT Services as well as Imaging:
Solution Configurator
Click on Solution Configurator and begin pricing out the IT Hardware and IT Services configurations.
IT Hardware Tab
To add IT Hardware, click on the IT Hardware tab and choose from the drop down whether you want to use Synnex, TechData, Search All Providers or a Manual Entry of the items.
API Entry
By choosing Synnex, TechData, or Search All Providers you will be directed to their API connection where you will be able to do a search for IT Hardware and bring it directly into the Solution Configurator.
Manual Entry
Under the IT Hardware tab, selecting Manual Entry, you would enter your Manufacturer, Model, Part Number, Description, Cost and Quantity within the IT Hardware tab, then Add.
Once your item has been added, you will only be able to adjust the Quantity none of the other fields. An IT Hardware total will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. When you have completed adding your items choose the Transfer to Financials tab which will then take you to the IT Services Tab.
If you need to delete an item, click the Remove drop down and remove all or remove selected.
To Accommodate the frequent pricing changes within this industry, the module will feature live pricing, and inventory status from Synnex and TechData and you can Refresh those costs.
Please note, you can change the reading layout of the grid as well if you like, just ensure you Save Grid Layout if you want to save it that way for future use.
IT Services Tab
Under the IT Services tab you will walk through a similar process within the Solution Configurator tab where you have your Build Solution on the left and your Proposed Solution on the Right.
Build Solution – Left Side of Screen
You will walk through a 2-step process to Build your Solution and transfer it over to the Proposed Solution.
Step 1: Search for Item
To Search for Item to configure and price out use the filter dropdown and type in a keyword (or leave the keyword field blank) and click the Search button. A list of IT Services that your company sells will appear in the list.
Step 2: Item Pricing
Highlight the item in the list that you want to propose and choose from the pricing options available in the dropdown and enter your quantity. Select the
Green arrow to transfer selected items to the Proposed Solution side. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for multiple IT services.
Proposed Solution – Right Side of Screen
Within the Proposed Solution you will see all items transferred. You will be able to edit the Cost field only. You will be able to Remove Selected or Remove All as needed. When ready choose Transfer to Financials.
Within Financials you will see two tabs, IT Hardware and IT Services.
IT Hardware
- If choosing a Lease, you will be able to choose Monthly, Quarterly or Annually.
- Sale option will allow you to enter Margin and any applicable fees.
- Cost will transfer over from your IT Hardware configuration.
- Enter in your Margin.
- Utilize the Lease Calculator to work out of your Lease Rate and Term.
- Lease Calculator: Your Company can maintain your current leasing company’s lease rates/terms/options. Use this option to quickly get the correct lease rate for your proposal
- Enter any additional costs associated.
- In the below screen shot I added an installation fee.
- You can choose to have your fee be a OneTime or Recurring Fee
- It will give you all your financial information on the right, for your IT Hardware, you can pin this pop out in place by clicking on the thumbtack.
If you are only proposing IT Services, you can choose to Forecast and even populate an Excel or Word Template or the Executive Summary report. These are the same features when building a proposal in the Financials tab, please refer to Financials manual for further details. You can also submit to Order Processing as well as choose from Partner Tools and Submit to ERP. Please refer to the Order Processing and ERP Manuals for additional information. Please note: If you have something within each of the tab’s, IT Hardware, IT Services, or Imaging, when you choose to Forecast, populate your templates, or print the Executive Summary it will present all information within each tab and you do not have to navigate to each tab to do the same option.
IT Services
- You have the option to select Monthly, Quarterly, or Annually.
- Pass Through Costs will transfer over from your IT Services configuration.
- Enter in your Margin
- Enter any Hourly Costs.
- Enter any additional costs associated.
- In the below screen shot I added an installation fee.
- You can choose to have your fee be a OneTime or Recurring Fee
- It will give you all your financial information on the right for your IT Hardware and IT Services, you can pin this pop out in place by clicking on the thumbtack.
If you are only proposing IT Services, you can choose to Forecast and even populate an Excel or Word Template or the Executive Summary report. These are the same features when building a proposal in the Financials tab, please refer to Financials manual for further details. You can also submit to Order Processing as well as choose from Partner Tools and Submit to ERP. Please refer to the Order Processing and ERP Manuals for additional information. Please note: If you have something within each of the tab’s, IT Hardware, IT Services, or Imaging, when you choose to Forecast, populate your templates, or print the Executive Summary it will present all information within each tab and you do not have to navigate to each tab to do the same option.
When choosing a Proposal where you want to build Both an Imaging and IT Hardware proposal in one. Follow the same processes above.
When forecasting IT Services or Hardware it will default to a Category of IT Services. You will notice a new column for the IT Services Recurring Revenue.
IT Calculations
Total Sale
Cost / (1-Margin) + Sum(One time fees)
Lease Payment
Total Sale + Lease Rate + Lease Admin Fee
Total One Time
Sum(One time fees)
Total Monthly
Lease Payment + (Sum(Recurring Fees) / (1 – Margin))
Total Monthly Costs
Pass Through Costs + ((Recurring Costs + Sum(Recurring Fees)) / (1-Margin))
Total One Time Costs
Hourly Costs + Sum(One Time Fees)
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