Account Strategy
Account Strategy Overview:
The Account Strategy Module assists sales reps or sales teams identify the key influencers and makers in an organization. It also allows them to develop a profile for each customer representative that influences the deal.
The Account Strategy module is available to SQL users only.
To get into the Account Strategy module, click on the Modules button on the top tool bar in the Accounts tab.
Account Information:
The account information, contact information and account classification check boxes, come in automatically from the Accounts tab.
Sales Objectives and Current Position:
Shows general positioning in the account for that opportunity. First and last contact will populate automatically based on the activity entered in the Activities tab in the Accounts area, but all other fields can be free typed in, or, you can choose from the dropdown list.
Buying Influences:
Used to identify the key players in the customers organization and the role they play in the decision making process for your opportunity.
Click on Add New to add a new buying influence.
- Pick the name from the dropdown list - this will pull from the Contacts tab in the Accounts area, and automatically put in the Title, or you can free type in the Title field.
- Choose from the Buying Influence dropdown - this is the position of the contact in relation to your opportunity. Is the contact an economic buyer, technical buyer, your coach, etc.
- Choose the Buyers Mode - this is the contacts reason for buying. Are they ready for a change, unhappy with their current situation, just comparing against their current situation, etc.
- Choose from the Rate Buyer dropdown - this a scale from +5 to -5 of the buyers attitude toward your offering.
- Choose the Buyers Win from the dropdown - this is the benefit to the contact for making a decision, whether it's with you or your competitor.
- Choose the Win Results from the dropdown - this is how the company will benefit from going with your solution.
- Enter any additional notes about the contact
- Click the Save button to save, or Cancel to exit without saving.
To delete a buying influence, highlight the contact name and check the Delete button.
Account Positioning:
Used to identify your strengths and weaknesses within the account regarding this opportunity.
Under either the Strengths area on the left, or the Weaknesses area on the right, type in the field under the box and click the Add button to add. To edit, highlight the item in the list, edit it in the field and chick the Update button. To delete, highlight the item in the list and click the Delete button.
Action Plan:
Used to create a timeline of events within the account that pertain to this opportunity. Tasks, or Actions can be added and completed.
To add a new action, click the Add New button.
A form will pop up to fill out the following information:
- Pick from the dropdown of users, who is responsible for completing the action
- Assign a due date.
- If adding an action that has been completed, mark it as Yes for completed. If adding an action for the future, mark No for completed.
- If you marked it as a completed activity, choose the date is was completed.
- Enter a description of the action.
- Click the Save button to save the Action, or Cancel to exit and not save.
To complete an action that was previously opened, type in the completed date in the Completed Column.
To delete an action, highlight the action in the grid and click the Delete button.
Coaching Information Needed:
Used to list information needed from the customer.
To add a new item, chick the Add New button and a form will pop up to fill out the following information:
- Pick from the list of contacts for the account - this is anyone entered in the Contacts tab in the Accounts area.
- Pick the date it needs to be completed.
- Enter a description of the information needed.
- Click the Submit button to save, or the Cancel button to exit and not save.
To delete an entry, highlight the item in the grid and click the Delete button.
Additional Contacts:
This is a link to the Contacts tab in the Accounts area. Any changes made here will also save to the main tab.
To add a new contact, click the Add button and fill out the form with any known information.
To edit a contact, highlight the contact in the list and click the Edit button.
To Delete a contact, highlight the contact in the list and click the Delete button.
To send an email to the contact, highlight the contact in the list (if you have an email address listed for them) and click the Send Email button. A blank Outlook email will open and the contacts email address will be placed in the To: field.
Strategy Report:
This will summarize all the information entered into a printable report:
To Save your Account Strategy click on the Save button.
To exit the Account Strategy module and go back to the main screen, click the Exit button.
Last Updated 8/5/2020
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