Manage Alerts
Manage alerts will allow Managers to set up alert notification for Activities that you can choose to set up. Providing you are the Manager over those reps you will receive an email alerts each time one of those activities has been completed. You may also choose to receive a Month to Date Summary Report based on Benchmarking, (reminder, Benchmarking must be in place) choose the day that you want that email to be sent to you. This option will show you month to date, for the current month.
To access Manage Alerts, go to the Accounts Tab and choose Account Tools and Manage Alerts:
To set up the alerts, choose from the Activities List and then choose the reps that you want to receive the email notifications for. Click Submit. Should you want to remove the Alerts than choose the Remove Alerts button and you will no longer receive those email alerts.
To set up the Month to Date Summary Report. Note: Benchmarking must be set up for this step. Choose the Activity you want to track, then choose the day of the week you want this alert email notification sent to you. Choose the Usernames you want this applied to and click Submit.
Last Updated 8/6/2020
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