General Overview: This feature can be used to map in an Excel file from the Manufactures you sell new equipment for, to update the pricing.
The Update Pricing area can be found in the Equipment Pricing area in the Update Pricing button.
Note: This is not used to add new equipment or update product numbers, etc. only to update current pricing for equipment that is already loaded into the Equipment Pricing area.
Mapping the Manufacturer's Workbook: This is to map in the entire Excel Workbook, based on the tabs. (See two print screens below for step by step directions and the spreadsheet used in the example.)
- Click on the Open File button and browse to the saved Excel file.
- You will see the tab names from the Excel file populate into the grid in the 2nd column.
In each row, to the right of the tab name, you will see the fields you can map to update information. Enter the column letter from the Excel worksheet into the corresponding field in the grid.
In this example, The main model's Name, Item # and Dealer Cost are in columns E, B and H (see the image of the Excel file below). The Accessory's Name, Item # and Cost are also in columns E, B and H. So we entered the column letters in the corresponding fields. - In the Dealer Cost field, check the Dealer Cost level you want to apply the cost to, and click OK.
- You will also see columns for Outcost and any other special pricing levels you have set up. Enter the % over dealer cost you want to have applied to those pricing levels. If no percentage is entered, the cost in the Equipment Pricing will not change.
- Only the first 5 special pricing levels will show, however, if you have more pricing levels you can use the Add Columns button to add additional columns for the additional pricing levels.
A box will pull up for you to double click on the column you want to add, and put in the % over dealer cost you want to add to that pricing level. - To save the grid layout and columns for future imports, click the Save Grid button.
- To reset the grid to the default columns, click the Reset Grid button.
- Choose to apply the percentage as a margin over the Dealer Cost, or a markup.
- If you have different pricing for different regions, check the regions you want to apply the pricing to. If you have only one region, select that region.
- Check the tabs you want to load using the check boxed to the left of the column (or use the Check All Worksheets button to select all) and click the Upload Pricing button.
Example Workbook:
Uploading the Pricing: Once you have clicked on the Upload Pricing button, you will be brought to a screen to review the changes and any items that were not found (based on the Product Number / Item Number) to update. Anything highlighted red on the left is something that has a matching Product / Item number and the Dealer Cost has changed (you can see the New and Old costs here as well).
- Anything not in red on the left means there is a matching Product / Item number, but the price is the same as currently in the Equipment Pricing area.
- Anything on the right under "Items Not Found in Sherpa" is new equipment in the Excel file that does not have a matching Product / Item number in the Equipment Pricing area. This may be because it is something that doesn't exist in the Equipment Pricing, or, because the product number has changed.
- To add columns to view, use the columns button and a box will pull up for you to double click on the column you want to add. To save the grid layout and columns for future viewing, click the Save Grid button, or Reset Grid to view the default columns.
- Check the individual machines on the left that you want to update and import the pricing for using the check boxes to the left of the machine. Or, use the Check Edited Rows button to check all, or the UnCheck All button to uncheck all.
- To export the list of equipment in the workbook that did not have a matching Product / Item number, click the Export Items Not Found button.
- Click the Update Pricing button to update the pricing.
Saving the Workbook Mapping: To save the mapping for use in future pricing changes, click the Workbook Mapping button after you have opened the file and mapped the columns.
Enter a name for the mapping under Save Workbook Mapping and click the Save button.
Using a Saved Workbook Mapping: If you have mapping that you have previously saved, you can apply it to future imports with the same format.
- Click on Open File and browse to the saved Excel Workbook.
- Click the Workbook Mapping option on the main import page.
- Choose the name of the saved map from the dropdown.
- Click the Load button to load the saved mapping. Or to delete a saved mapping, choose the mapping name and click the Delete button.
- You will see the saved mapping populate on the main screen behind the form. Click the X on the close the form.
- Click the Upload Pricing button (see instructions above for uploading pricing)
Copying a Worksheet: If worksheets within the workbook you are mapping have the same column format, you can map one, and copy it to another.
- Map the worksheet you want to copy to the others and select the row by checking the check box.
- Click on Worksheet mapping.
- Choose the worksheet name from the dropdown.
- Choose the worksheet name(s) you want to copy the format to by checking the check boxes. You can also use the Select All / Deselect All options to apply to all workbook tabs.
- Click the Copy button and you will see the mapping save to the other rows in the background.
Saving a Worksheet Mapping: Once a worksheet is mapped, you can save it to use with other worksheets in other workbooks.
- Map the worksheet you want to copy to the others and select the row by checking the check box.
- Click on Worksheet mapping.
- Choose the worksheet name from the dropdown.
- Click the Save button.
- Enter a name for the mapping and click the OK button.
Using a Saved Worksheet Mapping: You can used saved worksheet mappings for other worksheets in different workbooks.
- Click on Open File and browse to the saved Excel Workbook.
- Click the Worksheet Mapping option on the main import page.
- Choose the name of the saved map from the dropdown and click the Load button. To delete a saved mapping click the Delete button.
- You will see the saved mapping populate on the main screen behind the form. Click the X on the close the form.
How the Worksheets are Checked: The system looks at the work sheet in several different ways to determine what is a valid field to pull in and what is not. It checks row by row, starting at row 1. (See below for example spreadsheet.)
- It will first look to see if there is anything in the Product / Item Number column (in this example, it is column B).
- Row 12, for example, is blank in column B, so the system will ignore the row.
- If it finds something in the Product / Item Number column, it will then look in the Dealer Price column (in this example it is column H) for a numeric value.
- it if doesn't see anything in the Dealer Price column, it will not bring it in. For example, row 9 has something in column B, but no numeric value in column H, so it won't be brought in.
Last Updated 8/5/2020
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