- All users must be running the Microsoft 4.5 .net framework to support the Dashboard.
- Microsoft 4.5 .net framework does not work with users running Microsoft XP.
- Dealers using the Supplies Network CPI/ MPS program cannot use the dashboards at that time. This does not apply to dealers who are using standard SN MPS Pricebook import, just the API version (where you select ancillary services and price the deal in real time).
Dashboard: The left-hand side of the screen shows a dashboard of various activities you have in Sherpa.
Completed Activities this Month/Week: Displays a total number of completed activities accumulated for the current month or week (choose in the drop down) for the logged in user.
Past Due & Today’s Activities: Displays a list of all pending activities for the logged in user. You can double-click on any of these activities and it will take you to the selected account. You can also click on the Activity List button to show your entire Activity List for all accounts.
Forecasted Account to Close: Displays a list of forecasted accounts that are scheduled to close this month for both the logged in user and anyone else that they have permission to view. You can double-click on any of these forecasts and it will take you to the selected account.
Last 5 Proposals: Displays a list of the last 5 Proposals that the logged in user has created. You can double-click on any of these Proposals and it will take you to the selected account.
Order Processing*: Displays a list of how many orders are in each stage of the process for the user logged in. This list is view-only, and double-clicking will not take you to the selected stage.
Lease Tracker*: Displays a list of leases that are in the time frame for follow-up based on the Administrator lease end date settings for both the logged in user and anyone else that they have permission to view. You can double-click on any of these leases and it will take you to the selected account. If no leases are showing, then there are none matching the criteria.
(Lease Tracker Criteria: In the Control Panel, the Administrator has set a number of days prior to the lease expiration that they want an activity to appear for follow-up. The system looks at the maturity date of the lease, then looks at that table and if the date of follow-up is showing now, it appears. IE: Lease is maturing on 1/1/2023, is a 60-month lease and the admin has set the days prior for an activity to occur to be 2 years (which means the activity would have been set for 1/1/2021). Today (11/21/21) is between 1/1/2021 and 1/1/2023, so it shows up on the front screen because the current date is in the “time frame” of when you set the reminder to be set.)
*These are optional modules that can be purchased if not already turned on.
Initial Admin Set-up: For information (explained in the next section) to populate properly, there are settings that first need to be set up by the Administrator. Administrators will be able to see everyone’s information. If set up by Manager, managers will be able to see their Sales Reps. If set up by Teams, Team Leads will be able to see their Team Members.
Setup Home
This area allows customization of the general settings for the Home Screen Dashboards.
Home Tab URL – Enter any website of your choosing to be the displayed live web page for users to interact with on the Home Screen.
Displayed Tabs – Check/uncheck any of the 7 tabs you wish to be displayed/not be displayed on the Home Screen.
Default Tab – Select the tab you wish to be the default display tab upon logging in to Sherpa.
Allow Print/Export – Check/uncheck this box if you want to allow/deny users the ability to Print/Export the graph data on the Home Screen.
Save Settings – You must click this button (located in the top left corner of the screen) in order to save any changes made before exiting this area.
Group Sales Dashboards By: Check to view the Closed Sales or Forecasted Sales totals by your Team structure or Management Hierarchy in place.
Show Inactive Users: When checked will display unauthorized users on the dashboard view.
* Please note, any settings made in this area are applies
Quotas: In the Administration Menu, under Manage Users, and Manage Quotas, you will need to set quotas for each user. If you had previously added quotas for users in the previous Dashboard Version, you will be given the option when you first enter the Quota area to copy the previous quotas to the new dashboard quotas.
To assign quotas, select the Quota Type, highlight the user's name on the left and fill in the revenue quota for all the appropriate month.
You can set the quota for multiple reps at once by using the click+shift in the user list, type in the quotas on the right and select the Submit button. To set the same quota for each month, enter the quota amount in January, then select Apply January Quota to All Months.
Activity Benchmarks: For Activity Benchmarks to populate, you will have to set up activity benchmarks. In the Administration Menu, under the Setup Activity Benchmarking option, you can create activity templates that include various types of activities and benchmarks for those activities. The benchmarking quotas are running off the points set-up in the Activity list area of the Administrator Control Panel. So, for example, if you enter 10 for an activity benchmark, but that activity type in the Activity List is worth 15 points, you would only need to complete 1 activity in a month to hit your benchmark.
Click Setup Template to create a new template; you can have multiple activity templates with different combinations of activity types and benchmarking numbers.
- Name the template and assign a monthly benchmark to each activity type.
- Click the Save button.
Now assign the Users you want to assign to each template:
- Click the Assign Reps to Benchmark.
- Choose the Template on the left side of the form.
- Choose the Users on the right side of the form.
- Click the Assign Selected button - now the activities and benchmarks represented in the template will reflect on the user's Activity Benchmark graph.
To view and edit a current template:
- To view the current users assigned to a template click the + button under the template name.
- To edit a template, highlight the template in the list and click the Edit Select Template button.
- Edit the template name or benchmark numbers as needed.
- Click the Save button.
To Remove a User from a current Benchmarking assignment:
- Go to Assigned Benchmarks
- Select the Template “None”
- Select the reps you don’t want assigned a benchmark
- If you want to change them to another benchmark, select the template instead of “None”
- Make your selection and then click on the Assign Selected button
Please note: If you are changing the Benchmarking Point Value, the new point value will show on the Dashboard going forward and will not adjust any past activities.
Graph Totals: The graphing area consists of 6 tabs, representing an At A Glance overview, Activity Benchmarking totals, Territory Overview, Forecast and Closed Sales totals, Lease Tracker totals, and Stack Rankings. In each of these tabs you can also use the Export button in the top right of the screen, or top right of any graph, to export the data. You can also click on any of the header rows to sort by the row.
Home: The Home tab is a quick URL link to a website. This could be a link to your company webpage or a supplier website. If you need to go back in the browser, you will Right click on the page and choose Back.
At A Glance Tab: This is a summary of each of the 6 tabs on one page.
Activity Benchmark MTD - This will show, by Manager/Team Lead, the activity benchmark as determined in the Activity Benchmarking templates, how many activities they are over / under.
You can drill down in any area in the dashboard by clicking on a line item.
For example, I clicked on the Compass Training and can see the Managers/Team Leads assigned to it. I then clicked on the manager/team lead to see the reps assigned to the manager/team lead, and on the rep to see the individual activities and totals.
To go back up a level, use the arrow button on the top left.
Closed Sales MTD - This will show, by Region, the total Equipment, Print Management Revenue, Total Sales (the two added together), and how much they are over / under based on the revenue quotas entered in the Manage Quotas area in the Administration Menu.
90 Day Forecast - This will show, by Region, the total Equipment and Print Management Revenue forecasted for the next 90 days, Total Sales (the two added together), and how much they are over / under based on the revenue quotas entered in the Manage Quotas area in the Administration Menu.
Expiring Leases - If using Lease Tracker, this will show any current customer's expiring leases from Lease Tracker based on the number of days set for a reminder, as determined in the Control Panel settings under Lease End Days. By clicking on any month, you can drill down into the Region, Manager/Team Lead and Rep the lease is assigned to. NOTE: The graphs populate from information based on the Funding Amount; if this field is not mapped in Lease Tracker, the graphs will not populate.
MTD Ranking - This will show, by Rep, the total month-to-date closed sales. To see the total dollar amount, hover your mouse over the blue bar and the dollar amount will appear. Because this is already listed by user, you cannot drill down by clicking on the line item as with the other graphs.
Territory Overview - This will show a percentage of Current vs. Prospective Customers in your Sherpa database. You can click on Current or Prospect to go into the Regions, and then to the Managers/Team Leads, and then to the individual rep totals.
Activities Tab: Based on the activity benchmarking you set up, this will show Month to Date, Year to Date, totals my template, and Activity Trends by month.
The date range can be adjusted using the Set Date Range button in the upper left corner of the page. You can set the date range by MTD and YTD.
Activity Benchmark MTD - This will show, by Region, the activity benchmark as determined in the Activity Benchmarking templates, where the region is as of the current date, and by how many activities they are over / under for the month.
Activity Benchmark YTD - This will show, by Region, the activity benchmark as determined in the Activity Benchmarking templates, where the region is as of the current date, and by how many activities they are over / under, for the year.
Rep Class - This will break down each template type you have set up in the Activity Benchmarking area and show the month-to-date totals for the benchmark, actual number of activities completed, and how many they are over / under.
Activity Trend - This shows the trend in activities based on the date range entered. You can see the total benchmark number completed vs. the points achieved each month. By clicking on the graph line, you can see the Region, Manager/Team Lead and individual Rep.
Territory Overview Tab: This will show Total number of accounts and Current Clients vs. Prospects by Region, Manager/Team Lead, and Rep, as well as total Current vs. Prospect in a pie and bar graph. Note that the total number of accounts shown here may be different than the total number of accounts in your database. This is because if multiple reps can see an account, in the overview, it will count this account multiple times (one time for each rep who can see it).
Territory Overview / Left side - This totals each Region, then Manager/Team Lead, and then Rep, by Current and Prospect, and then a Grand Total. You can collapse and expand each section by using the + and - buttons to the left of each Region and Manager/Team Lead.
Territory Overview / Right side top - This will show the percentage of Current Clients vs. Prospects in a pie graph that you can change to Region, Manager/Team Lead and Sales Rep by clicking on the pie pieces to drill down.
Territory Overview / Right side bottom - This will show you, by Region, the number of Current Clients vs. Prospects in a bar graph that you can change to Manager/Team Lead and Rep by clicking on the bars.
Territory Overview Tab: This will
Sales Tab: You can see Monthly, Quarterly and Year-to-Date Closed sales as well as Forecasts for 30, 60 and 90 days.
The date rage and view can be changed by using the Options tab at the end of the tool bar.
Closed Sales - has the option of Details and Summary. Both have the options to Show Dashboard (default view) or Set Options (set a date range).
Details shows you a list by Region that you can drill down into each region and show the totals.
Summary shows you each region where you can drill down to Manager/Team Lead and Rep and show individual totals.
Forecast Sales - also has the option of Details as well as Overview and both have the options to Show Dashboard (default view) or Set Options (set a date range).
Details shows you a list by Region that you can drill down into each region and show the totals.
Overview shows you each region where you can drill down to Manager/Team Lead and Rep, and show individual totals.
Closed Sales Details - This totals each Region for closed sales for the current month or whatever date range you set. You can click on the region under MTD Closed Sales to change the view under Revenue and Opportunity Details to whichever Region you choose.
Closed Sales Summary - This totals each Region for closed sales for the month, quarter, or year based on the date range you set. You can click on any of the line items to drill down to manager/team lead or individual sales rep.
Forecast Sales Details - This will show the 90 Day forecast for the region, Revenue total, and any Opportunity Details based on the date range you set.
Forecast Sales Summary - This totals each Region for 30, 60 and 90-day forecasts based on the date range you set. You can click on any of the line items to drill down to manager/team lead or individual sales rep.
Lease Tracker Tab: This will show any expiring leases by month, for current customers imported in Lease Tracker.
Expiring Leases
You have the options to View Dashboard (default view) or Set Options (set date range and combine activities that have happened within the account).
Set Options gives you the option to set a date range for leases to view, and scale it down to view leases where the company has No Forecast and Proposals, as well as choose to combine activity types.
Expiring Leases / Lease Details - The top half of the screen shows a pie graph with the amount funded as the total. The list you will see in the bottom half of the screen under Lease Details will depend upon the month you click on in the graph. As you drill down into the graph, you will see it change to Region, Manager/Team Lead, and then Sales Rep.
Ranking Tab: This shows Ranking, per rep, on closed sales on Month to Date, Year to Date, and the Average Price by Deal, based on revenue amount. Because this is listed by user already, you cannot drill down by clicking on the line item as you can with the other graphs.
Mange Alerts: In the Account Tools dropdown in the Accounts screen, users set up as Manager/Team Lead user level and above can set email alerts for themselves. They must be listed as at least one user's manager in Manage Users.
Individual Activity Alerts: Anytime specific activity types are completed by a user that is assigned to them, they will receive an email.
- Choose the activity type(s) you want an alert for
- Choose the rep(s) for those activities for whom you want to be alerted
Month-to-Date Summary Report: A weekly report that will send the manager/team lead the activity benchmarking totals for the month, for any selected reps.
- Select the day of the week you want the report sent to you
- Select the Rep(s) for whom you want the report sent on
Last Updated 5/15/2023
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