Google integration: The Google integration module allows users to integrate Sherpa and Google contacts, calendar items, and Gmail emails. With Contacts, you can transfer contacts from Sherpa to your Gmail contacts list, and transfer Gmail contacts to their Sherpa contacts list. With Activities, you can transfer Sherpa activities to your Gmail calendar, and with Emails you can import any emails (sent or received) from your Gmail account to Sherpa.
When you first log into any area of the Google integration, you will be asked to enter your Gmail email address and password. After that, you will not be prompted again, unless you change your Gmail address or password.
Send E-Mail: Allows you to email the Main Account Contact via Gmail directly from Compass, if you have an email address listed. To use, click on the Send E-Mail Label. A Gmail email message, addressed to the contact, will pop up. Type your message as usual to the addressee, attach any files desired, etc., and then click the send button on the email. The message will send via Gmail and will be saved in your sent items in Gmail. After it is sent, you will also be asked if you want to save a copy of the email into the customer profile in Sherpa in the Emails Tab. Click Yes to save it.
Gmail Contacts:
In the Contacts Tab you can send emails through Gmail to Sherpa contacts, as well as import Gmail contacts and export Sherpa contacts to Gmail.
Sending Emails: To send an email to a contact Highlight the contact and click the Send E-Mail button. You will have to have an email listed for the contact in Sherpa for it to work. A Gmail email message, addressed to the contact, will pop up. Type your message as usual to the addressee, attach any files desired, etc., and then click the send button on the email. The message will send via Gmail and saved in your sent items in Gmail. After it is sent, you will also be asked if you want to save a copy of the email into the customer profile in Sherpa in the Emails tab.
Note, if you have a signature set in Gmail, it will not populate in an email sent directly from Sherpa, but will show when bringing in emails from the Emails tab.
Transferring Contacts: To transfer contacts between Sherpa and Gmail use the Gmail Contacts button.
Importing Gmail Contacts: To import contacts from Gmail to Sherpa, click the Gmail Contacts button. The first, and default radial dial is to Import Gmail Contacts. Use the check boxes on the left of the contact to select your Gmail contact to import into the Sherpa Contacts tab.
Exporting Sherpa Contacts: To Export Sherpa contacts to your Gmail account, click the Gmail Contacts button. The second radial dial is to Export Sherpa Contacts to your Gmail account. Use the check boxes on the left of the contact to select your Sherpa contact to export into your Gmail contacts.
Google Calendar Activity: When creating activities in the Activity tab you can also send them to your Google calendar. Click on the Send to Google Calendar button in either step 1 (to just create a future activity) or in step 3 (if creating a future activity after completing an activity). Note that if you don't enter an activity time, it will create the activity for midnight.
If you don't send the activity during this process, you can always send it after using the Send to Google Calendar button. Highlight the activity you want to send and click the button.
Gmail Email: The Email tab is used to keep a history of emails for each account. This tab keeps a copy of the email if selected to be saved when sending out of Compass using the Send Email button in the Contacts tab, or imported in using the Email tab. It is not a live link to Gmail, so if an email is deleted in Gmail, it will not delete it in Compass, and vice versa.
Saving Sent/Received Email: To save sent and received emails that are related to the account you are viewing that were not initiated from Sherpa, but from Gmail, click on Gmail Button in the Emails tab. You will see your Gmail folders listed. Highlight the folder you want to browse.
Highlighting the email will show you a preview of the email in the bottom of the screen. Select the email you want to save in Sherpa, or use the CTRL click or shift, to select multiple emails. Click the Import Selected Emails button in the upper left to import a copy of the email into the Emails tab in Sherpa.
You can also choose from 3-30 days of emails to see and import using the Emails Back dropdown.
Last Updated 8/6/2020
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