Sales Stages
General Overview
The Sales Stages menu allows you to view the Sales Funnel for yourself and your sales reps based on the information entered in the Opportunities tab in the Accounts area.
Sales Stage Definitions: There are 8 Sales Stages set up within Compass. The names are customizable by your Administrator but Compass defaults to the following:
The Call: Contacts you have made where you have determined there is an opportunity, but no appointment yet made.
New Opportunity Sell/Client Appointment: New appointment you have scheduled.
Document Analysis: The 1st document analysis scheduled with the Company.
Document Analysis 2: The final document analysis scheduled with the Company.
Presentation and Recommendations: Appointment set to discuss your recommendations and proposal.
Forecast: If you have made a financial forecast within Compass the Company and Forecast amount will auto populate in this field.
Closed: If you have sold the deal, this will also auto populate if you mark the opportunity as Closed in the Opportunities Tab in the Accounts Section.
Implementation: If the Customer is scheduled for Delivery and Training, you are in the Implementation process.
Adding an Opportunity to the Sales Stages: Adding the initial opportunity is done through the Opportunities tab in the Accounts section. In the Opportunities tab you will click on the green plus (+) buttons and fill out the following form. See the Accounts section of the manual for more information on the Opportunities tab. If an Opportunity is Forecasted through the Printer Pricer or Financials Tabs, it will automatically populate in the Forecasted Sales Stage. Also, if an Opportunity is marked as Closed in the Opportunities Tab, it will automatically be moved to the Closed Sales Stage.
Filtering: There are multiple ways to filter through the Sales Stages list of opportunities – by a key word, specific User, Category, Team, or Region (if applicable, please note some of these functions are dependent upon your user settings). For example, if your user rights are set as Manager or higher, you may select a specific Rep to view or perhaps a Team or Region that is assigned to you. If your user rights are set to a Sales Rep, you will have access to view your own Sales Stages and this will default to your name only.
Search: Type in any key word that appears in the Sales Stages list of opportunities, such as an account name (single word search) or even a dollar amount (make sure to include the comma) and click on Search to narrow the Sales Stages screen to that list of results. Click on Clear to return to the original screen view.
Users: Click the box next to any user’s name to place a check mark next to their name, or you may Select All users by clicking the box underneath the list of names. To unselect all users, click the
box. If you have more users than there is space for in the display list, you may use the scroll bar that appears on the right side of the screen to see additional user names.
Once you have made your selections, click on the Filter Stages button at the bottom of the Filtering section to produce the filter results (if you don’t see this button in plain sight, you may need to click on the very small arrow (circled in red below) at the bottom of the Filtering section to scroll down to it).
Categories/ Teams/ Regions: See above instructions for Users to see how to filter by any of these criteria.
Please note, you may filter by a single criteria or a combination of criteria (which performs an “and” search, not an “or” search). To clear any filtered results, you will need to manually uncheck any criteria that have been selected and then click on the Filter Stages button again to return to the original Sales Stages list.
Sales Stages Toolbar: At the top of the Sales Stages screen, there is a toolbar with options for filtering by a date range and also options for the preferred screen layout.
Quick Date: The default date range is for the Current Month, however there are options in the drop down for All, Current Year, Next 90 Days, Previous 90 Days, and Year to Date. Whichever option you select will populate the appropriate date range in the Start and End fields to the right. Finally, click on the Filter button to produce the filtered results for that new date range.
You also have the option to manually select any date range you prefer, thus ignoring any of the Quick Date selections. Simply select the desired dates from the drop down in the Start and End fields and click on the Filter button to run that customized result.
Please note, if at any time you make changes to any items within the Sales Stages sections below, you can refresh the screen results by clicking on the Filter button again.
Full Across: Click this button to view the 8 Sales Stages listed fully across the screen, one on top of the other, in consequential Stage order.
Two Across: Click this button to condense the view of the 8 Sales Stages into a side-by-side grid, in which the Stages are listed in order across the page the same way as reading a book.
Grid Layout: Click the drop down for the following options:
- Save Grid Layouts: Saves all changes made to any of the Sales Stages grid layouts.
- Reset Grid Layouts: Resets all Sales Stages grid layouts to the default grid layout settings.
- Set All Grid Layouts: Selecting this allows you to make changes to the grid layouts of one of the Sales Stages and then apply those changes uniformly to all of the other Sales Stages at once. The following pop up window will appear, prompting you to select the Sales Stage from which you want to match the grid layout for all the other Sales Stages.
Include Remove from Funnel: Place a check mark in this box to add a Sales Stage to the bottom of the Sales Stage screen called “Remove from Funnel” to view a list of any accounts marked as such for that filtered date range. Uncheck this box to remove this additional Sales Stage from view.
Breakup By Splits: Place a check mark in this box to break out each deal within a stage by Sales Rep splits.
Excel Button: This is compressed in a dropdown menu to the far right of the task bar. It looks like a small silver arrow. Click this to access the option to export to Excel a complete list of every opportunity displayed on the Sales Stages screen.
Using Each Sales Stage: Refer to the following notes for instructions on how to use the various options embedded within each Sales Stage section.
- Click on the plus button listed next to the opportunity to expand the view of any Splits within the deal, which will display the breakdown of Users, Split Percentage, Revenue, etc. Click on the minus button to collapse this view.
- Click on any column header to sort by that column. Right click on any column header for additional options, including Sorting, Grouping, Hiding Columns, Adding New Columns (Column Chooser), and Best Fit.
- Click on the Expand Stage button
to expand that Sales Stage to full screen view. Click the button again to Collapse the Stage to the standard view.
- Right click anywhere on the row where the opportunity is listed to reveal a button to Go To Account, which will navigate to the Opportunities tab of that account in the Account screen.
- Right click on the light blue space underneath any column to review additional options, such as viewing a Count of the total number of deals in that Sales Stage.
Moving a Customer through the Sales Stages: To move a customer through the Sales Stages, click directly on the Stage name from the Stage column and a drop down listing all the other Stage names will appear. Click on the new Sales Stage name you would like to move the opportunity to and the opportunity will immediately move to that stage.
To remove an opportunity from the Sales Stage area without deleting the opportunity, choose the Remove from Funnel option under the new Stage drop down. To remove an opportunity from the Sales Stage area and delete the opportunity altogether, go to the Opportunities Tab, choose the opportunity and click on the Delete Opportunity button. Not all users have access to the Delete button; if you do not have access to this button a Manager or Administrator will have to delete the opportunity for you.
Lat Updated8/6/2020
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