Bulk SIC Codes
Bulk SIC Codes
Using the Bulk SIC Codes tool you can classify accounts, in bulk, by the SIC code. You can assign a SIC Code to accounts that do not currently have one assigned to them, or you can remove a SIC Code from accounts that currently have a SIC Code.
- Choose to either Assign SIC Code or Remove SIC Code.
- Choose the classification you want to assign or remove.
- Choose a filter criterion; current Account Classification, Account Name, City, County, ERP #, Postal Code, State, Referred By, or Zone.
- Enter the search criteria and click the Filter button. A list of accounts will appear.
- You will then see a list of matching accounts.
- Choose the accounts you would like to assign or remove the SIC Code for by using the check boxes to the left of the account name. You also can check / uncheck all accounts in the list.
- Click the Update button to finish.
Last Updated 8/4/2020
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