Account (database) - MultiValue only. See “Database Account.”
Admin User - The default MITS Report user account, which is created during installation. This user account has the ability to perform administrative tasks, but is unable to create and work with reports or report sources.
Administration Page - The page that appears when you click on the Administration tab above the tool bar, it is the starting point for many of the instructions in the Administration Guide.
AIX - An acronym which stands for “Advanced Interactive eXecutive.” Refers to IBM's UNIX-based operating system.
Automatic Reporting - A feature that provides the ability to configure the system to automatically send reports via e-mail on a predefined schedule. The reports can be sent as a link to MITS Report or as an attached Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or Adobe PDF file.
Column Break - Also known as a “value break,” this feature causes MITS Report to sort then scan the values in a column and add a line break when the value changes - effectively grouping the rows together that have a common value in that column.
Column Dictionary Item - MultiValue only. The term given to the underlying MultiValue dictionary record that has been included in a report source as an available column. This could be a dictionary item that came directly from the source database file dictionary, a custom dictionary item that was copied from a source database file dictionary item, or a custom dictionary item that was created from scratch.
Column Label - Refers to the title and description of a report source column, which can be changed without affecting the source data using the Modify Column Labels feature.
Column Operation - MultiValue only. An optional subroutine written in BASIC code that is executed on the MultiValue source database during a report source update. Each operation is tied to one specific column. The raw value returned by the column's underlying dictionary record is passed into the operation, and the result of the operation is passed back out of the operation to be written to the report source as the value for that column in place of the original, pre-operation value.
Column Restriction - A security mechanism within MITS Report that provides the ability to define which columns a user or group can or cannot access.
Custom Groups - Allows administrators to cater to the needs of their individual organizations by pre-assigning permissions to a template that can then be assigned to one or more users.
Data Type - Describes whether the information that will be added to a report source column from the source database is text, number, date, or time.
Database Account - MultiValue only. The topmost component in the hierarchy of the MultiValue file structure, a database account holds all of the files within a database. A single MultiValue database installation can (and often does) include more than one database account.
Database Connection - MultiValue only. A term given to the telnet (or UniObjects for Java) connections made between the MITS Report Server and the MITS Report Accounts during report source creation, configuration, and updates.
dbpause - MultiValue only. A feature of IBM's UniData database which “pauses” all database activity, normally used for backup purposes.
Dynamic Change Update - MultiValue only. Allows you to specify the exact records that should be added to (or updated in) a report source during a report source update by either manually or programmatically adding records to a predefined file within the MITS Report operational account. While this feature requires some advanced configuration to set up, it can help with larger report sources by preventing the need to clear and repopulate the entire source if only a few records have changed or need to be added to a report source that has already been populated with data.
Email Scheduler - One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). Users in this group are allowed to setup the scheduling for automatic emailing of reports from within MITS Report. This group is not associated with any user role and must be added after a user has been created.
Email Sender - One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). Users in this group are allowed to initiate the e-mailing of reports from within MITS Report. This group is not associated with any user role and must be added after a user has been created.
Excel Web Query - An advanced type of report export. Rather than exporting the actual data to Microsoft Excel, a new spreadsheet is created and a connection to the report source is configured within it. The data will be re-extracted into the spreadsheet the next time it is opened, effectively refreshing the data directly from the report source.
External Links - Provides a method by which a column's values can be displayed as links to external web pages. For example, each of the product IDs on a report could be linked to a picture of the product.
Full Update - This type of report source update clears all data from a report source and reloads it.
Groups - Allow you to define a permission set and then apply that permissions set to one or more users. This simplifies the management of MITS Report user security by allowing you to assign the same permissions to many users by simply adding the users to the group that has been assigned the desired permissions. A number of groups are included as a part of your MITS Report system, or you can create custom groups which allow you to define specific sets of permissions which explicitly allow or prevent access to report libraries and/or sources.
MultiValue only. A type of report source update that allows you to populate a very large report source in smaller, more manageable pieces. Rather than performing a single, large select against the source file at the beginning of each report source update, the Incremental Source Update feature will gradually populate a report source by selecting data for one day, adding that to the report source, and then making additional passes for each day that is to be added to the report source.
Initialization Operation - MultiValue only. An optional subroutine written in BASIC code that is executed on the MultiValue source database prior to beginning a report source update. Often used to open files that will need to be accessed during column operations. See “Column Operation.”
JVM - An acronym which stands for “Java Virtual Machine,” it refers to a software implementation of a central processing unit (CPU) that runs compiled Java code.
Library Administrator - One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). Users in this group are allowed to create new libraries, and can create new reports only if permissions have been granted to a Report Source.
Library Creator - One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). Users in this group are allowed to create, modify, and delete all Report Libraries, including any of the reports contained in the libraries.
Library Viewer - One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). Users in this group are allowed to view libraries and can create new reports only if permissions have been granted to a report source.
Lite Edition - One of three product editions available for MITS Report: Premium, Standard, and Lite. Some of the features of MITS Report are only available in certain product editions, with the Lite edition having the leanest feature set and Premium having the most extensive.
MITS Report - A next-generation, interactive reporting environment that revolutionizes the way users access detailed data. With MITS Report, you receive your results quickly and without the need to learn a complex query language. File - The primary configuration file for MITS Report Server. Many server-side settings are defined within this file.
MR.BOOT - MultiValue only. A program that is run as a part of the MITS Report Accounts installation process.
MultiValue Database - A type of multidimensional database, originally developed as the Pick operating system. These databases differ from traditional relational databases in that their feature sets support and encourage storing multiple values in a single attribute rather than storing each value in its own attribute. Examples of MultiValue databases include Rocket Software's UniVerse and UniData. See also “Relational Database.”
MultiValue Field Type - MultiValue only. Used to specify whether a specific source dictionary will return information that is single-valued or multi-valued. If the returned data will be multi-valued, you can also specify whether the field is the controlling multi-valued field, a dependent multi-valued field, or an independent (unassociated) multi-valued field.
Operational Account - MultiValue only. The name given to the MultiValue database account that the MITS Report Server application connects to via the configured database connections. This account is normally named REPORT.SYSTEM.
Permissions - Used to define the resources a user is allowed to interact with as well as the actions a user can perform within MITS Report. Permissions can be assigned to a user for an individual report library or source, or assigned globally (with additional privileges, if desired) as a group.
Premium Edition - One of three product editions available for MITS Report: Premium, Standard, and Lite.
Preprocess Operation - MultiValue only. An optional program written in BASIC code that is executed on the MultiValue source database at the very beginning of each report source update. Often used to populate a custom-made source file or the Dynamic Change Update file for a report source.
Product Editions - MITS Report has three available product editions: Premium, Standard, and Lite. Some of the features of MITS Report are only available in certain product editions, with the Lite edition having the leanest feature set and Premium having the most extensive.
Related File - MultiValue only. A database file that can be linked to from the source file of a report source, usually using a dictionary record that includes a TRANSlate command.
Relational Database - A type of database that utilizes the relational model for database management, which groups data using common attributes found in the data set. Examples of relational databases include Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle. See also “MultiValue Database.”
Report - Formatted database information taken from a report source and viewed in a web browser.
Report Library - A collection of reports, grouped together for security or organizational purposes. Also, a place where reports are saved.
Report Source - A data structure created as a cache of information that has been collected from one or more files on the database.
REPORT.CORE - MultiValue only. One of the two database accounts on MultiValue systems which holds the programs and subroutines required for MITS Report to function in a MultiValue environment.
REPORT.SYSTEM - MultiValue only. One of the two required database accounts on MultiValue systems. See “Operational Account.”
Reports Page - The page that appears when you click on the Reports tab above the tool bar, it is the starting point for many of the instructions in the User Guide.
Row Restriction - A security mechanism within MITS Report that provides the ability to define which rows a user or group can or cannot see based on a filter.
Source - See “Report Source.”
Source Administrator - One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). Users in this group are allowed to create new sources, view, update, configure, delete, import, and export all Report Sources. Members of this group can also create new reports, but can save them only if granted Save permission to a report library.
Source Column Customizer - MultiValue only. One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). Users in this group are allowed to modify or delete the initialization operations and column operations for any sources where they have permissions to do so. Also allowed to Create, Copy, and Edit columns.
Source Creator - One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). Users in this group are allowed to create new sources, but cannot view existing sources (unless they created the source themselves or were granted explicit permission to the source). Also allowed to import and export sources the user created or has been granted permission to.
Source File Filters - MultiValue only. Provides a mechanism by which administrators can limit the results of the file listing that is presented during report source creation. Once implemented, these source file filters are applied globally, which means that no MITS Report user or administrator can create a report source from the excluded file(s).
Source Updater - One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). Users in this group are allowed to initiate a report source update for any report source on the system.
Source Viewer - One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). Users in this group are allowed to access all sources, including source data and configuration, but they cannot update, modify, or delete the sources.
Sources Page - The page that appears when you click on the Sources tab above the tool bar, it is the starting point for many of the instructions in the Source Reference Guides.
Standard Edition - One of three product editions available for MITS Report: Premium, Standard, and Lite. Some of the features of MITS Report are only available in certain product editions, with the Lite edition having the leanest feature set and Premium having the most extensive.
Support Console - A special section of the Administration page that provides troubleshooting tools that can be used by you or your MITS Report support provider to troubleshoot problems with MITS Report.
System Administrator - One of the pre-defined security groups included with MITS Report (see “Groups”). This is the only group that provides access to the Administration tab. From the Administration tab a user can create and modify users and custom groups. A user can also configure email settings, modify security settings, and activate MITS Report. Also one of the pre-defined types included with MITS Report (see “Types”).
Test Update - A “mini” report source update which performs a sample select of 100 records and adds them to the report source, allowing you to see what the data will look like in a report before committing to a full update.
Types - Pre-defined collections of security groups (see “Groups”) that are used to make user creation easier.
UniObjects - MultiValue only. Proprietary U2 database connection protocol, developed for use with UniVerse and UniData database systems. UniObjects provides security options and enhanced performance capabilities that are not available when MITS Report Server is using telnet-based database connections.
Update Log - Provides information about the last 15 updates for a given report source.
User Properties - Allows administrators to assign a variable “property” to users which can be utilized within a report filter or row restriction.
Web Service API - An advanced feature of MITS Report that allows developers to make calls into MITS Report from
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