MITS Discover has many different analysis modules available, depending on the ERP your company uses. Provided below is a general overview of each module and its intent. If you have specific questions about any of the modules, email or contact your MITS Account Manager.
Invoiced Sales Analysis
Usually labeled the SALES cube on your system, this cube looks at the sales orders that have been invoiced. All the Metrics and KPIs in this cube are calculated from invoice line details. Its main purpose is to analyze historical performance of customers, warehouses/branches, sales reps, etc. As such it normally excludes miscellaneous charges such as freight and tax. The cube is based on the date of the invoice.
Booked Sales Analysis
The BOOKINGS cube is similar to the SALES cube but is based off the date an order was approved. It includes sales that have been invoiced (SALES cube) as well as those that have only been approved but not yet shipped or invoiced (OPEN.ORDERS cube). This module is especially useful in situations where there is a long lead time between when an order is placed and when it is delivered. In those cases. it can act as an indicator of future invoicing and AR activity.
Open Order Analysis
This module shows booked sales orders that have not yet been invoiced, usually indicating they have not yet shipped. The data in this cube is a snapshot of the open orders at the time the cube was built and is not historical. Depending on data size this can be scheduled to run multiple times throughout the day.
Open Quotes Analysis
OPEN.QUOTES contains the quotes made to customers but have yet to be closed or converted to an order. This is a snapshot as of open quotes in the ERP at the time the cube was built. It does not contain historical data.
Pricing Analysis
The PRICING cube is focused on how the ERP priced an order. This shows what the price should have been for a product based on various factors. Knowing this information allows for the analysis of when pricing overrides occur and how much profit was lost in the overrides. It also aids in understanding how different pricing options produce different profit percentages.
Inventory Analysis
Inventory analysis is made up of two cubes that work together as one. They are a snapshot of current inventory and an historical cube showing past activity. They show the intersection of product and location. Specifically. these include current total, allocated, and available values and quantities at each location for each product.
The historical portion of the module provides information at the same intersections but looks at the average quantity and value on hand over a 12 month period. It also shows cost of goods sold and profit over a 12 month period allowing for the calculation of the turns and GMROI metrics.
For the Eclipse ERP, we've had to create a different type of inventory analysis. Rather than the analysis listed above, we've matched our content to the inventory reporting logic provided in Eclipse. Contact if you have questions specific to Eclipse inventory reporting in MITS Discover.
Purchasing Vendor Analysis
This cube shows purchase order receipts from vendors. It contains information on lead times, shipping accuracy, number of receipts per purchase order, and other import vendor performance metrics. The cube is based on the date of the receipt.
Purchase Order Analysis
The PO cube includes orders placed with vendors that have been received and those that have been approved but not yet received. It's based off the purchase order date, schedule date, or the date the purchase order was approved. Its intent is to help understand how your business is purchasing product.
Open Purchase Order
The open purchase order cube shows purchase orders that have been approved but not yet received. It's a snapshot of open purchase orders at the time the cube was built.
Accounts Receivable
The AR cube is a snapshot of the current open accounts receivable amounts broken into 30 day buckets, usually based on the aged invoice due date. It's a snapshot based on data at the time the cube was built.
Accounts Payable
The AP cube is a snapshot of the current accounts payable amounts broken into 30 buckets, usually based on days past the due date. It also contains future due dates in seven daily and three weekly buckets to provide insight into what will be due for payment soon.
General Ledger Profit/Loss
This cube analyzes transactions for revenue, expense, and COGS accounts in your general ledger. It is configured to match how your GL accounts are defined in your ERP. If you have included budgets for those accounts, they'll be included here as well.
General Ledger Balance
This cube displays period end balances for asset, liability, and equity accounts, as configured in your ERP. It is used to track the financial health of the company. In addition, if configured the cube will break out “cash” accounts separately.
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