MITS Report sends email with data from a report, but the attachment doesn't open properly.
Excel will say css files are missing:
Adobe Reader will say something similar to below (with a different file name)
This happens because something went wrong and MITS Report accidentally put either an error page or the login screen into the attachment instead of the data that was supposed to be there. In the case of PDF, you can verify this by opening the corrupt file with a text editor and seeing that it contains HTML.
- The most common cause of this is because the user receiving the email doesn't actually have permission to view the report, and MITS Report improperly puts the error message into the attachment. You can verify this by opening the attachment with a text editor and searching for "Access Denied" . If that is present, you know this is the problem. Sadly, MITS Report doesn't warn you when you are emailing data and you set up a "run as" user who doesn't actually have the ability to view the report. The solution is to either grant that user permission, or send the email to a specific email address instead of a "Report User" using the current user as the "run as" user.
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