TWL Cubes
- WP.ACTIVITY - Warehouse activities by operator (who did what and when)
- WP.CLOSED.COUNTS - Cycle Counts that have been completed and closed
- WP.CLOSED.ORDERS - Orders that have been picked and shipped
- WP.CLOSED.PACKS - Carton packing that has been completed
- WP.CLOSED.PICKS - Shelf picks that have been completed for packing
- WP.LOCATIONS - Warehouse bin location information with bin contents
- WP.OPEN.COUNTS - Cycles counts that have not been completed
- WP.OPEN.MOVES - Move instructions for bin locations that have not been completed
- WP.OPEN.ORDERS - Orders that have not been picked and shipped
- WP.OPEN.PACKS - Carton packing that has not been completed
- WP.OPEN.PICKS - Shelf picks that have not been completed
- WP.OPEN.PUTS - Put-away for products by bin location
- WP.OPEN.RECEIPTS - Product receipts from Purchase Orders into warehouse location
- WP.OPEN.SHIPS - Shipments for closed orders
The typical warehouse flow is:
PO -> Receive -> Put-away
Open Order -> Pick -> Pack -> Ship -> Closed Order
Moves and Cycle Counts are outside the order fulfillment process
The TWL cubes primarily use the TWL set of tables from SX.e (note we do not use all of these tables in our cubes):
abc |
Table has data that is used to periodically stratify the inventory |
autodrpcfg | Auto Drop Configuration Table |
barcodedtl | Barcode Detail Table |
barcodemst | Barcode Table |
bcswmst | Barcode Software Integration Table |
binei | Location Extended Information Table |
binmst | All locations in the warehouse |
bin_size | Table has the default bin sizes, keyed to company and warehouse |
carrier | Carrier table |
carrierei | Carrier Extended Information Table |
carrier_service | This table ties the carrier to the service, and has information liking a carrier/service combination to a rate table |
cartondtl | What is inside shipping cartons |
cartonei | Carton Extended Information Table |
cartonmst | Carton Master |
carton_size | This table will be used to select a box or boxes best suited to ship an order |
cmpmst | All companies |
comdet | Contains detail record information for each of the record formats used by the interface |
comment | Hold multi-line comments for orders and R/T's |
commst | Contains master record information for each of the record formats used by the interface |
counthistory | Table contains a history of counts |
cycle_cnt | Table used by the warehouse administrator to set up automatic cycle counts |
depmst | All departments |
dockmstr | Has information about shipping docks. |
drp_log | |
drp_ord | This table is a transactions file for all orders dropped using the Auto Drop programs |
drp_rules | Table contains rules used to determine automatic order dropping |
ei_type | Extended Information Types Table |
empmst | Contains information and access permissions for all employees (operators) |
empmstei | Employee Extended Information Table |
empproddet | Employee Productivity Detail |
end_of_day | End of Day process setup |
eod_setup | This table has to do with End of Day Setup by company/warehouse |
file_retent | |
inventory | Contains all active inventory |
inventoryei | Inventory Extended Information |
inv_adj | Holds adjustments/corrections to inventory |
inv_prob | Contains discrepancy records |
item | The master item table |
itemei | Item Extended Information |
item_alloc | Reserves allocated inventory (i.e.: makes it unavailable) |
item_history | Holds the history of an item (receipts, adjustments, shipments, returns) for trending |
kitdtl | Detail for the Kitmst table |
kitmst | Table contains items which make up a kit and their quantities |
labelei | Label Extended Information Table |
labelmst | Label Table |
movemst | Table contains movement requests (for replenishments,production scheduling, etc.) |
orddtl | Order Detail (Line) Table |
orddtl_status | A double lookup table with all the legal status values for order lines |
order_class | Order classes |
order_type | Order types |
ordhdr | Has header information for all orders known to the system |
ordhdr_status | Order Header Status Table |
palletdet | Pallet Detail |
palletmst | Pallets |
parameters | This table has parameters for system level (co_num eq 0, wh_num eq 0) and warehouse level (co_num ne 0, wh_num ne 0) TWL will be installed with only the system level defaults set |
pick | This is used to generate and maintain pick labels |
printmst | Table contains all printer queues |
prodcat | Table contains product categories and information on what to do with products with these categories |
prod_stg_dtl | Contains the detail for production staging |
prod_stg_mst | Has information about production stages |
return_category | Holds the valid return categories |
return_reason | Holds information about return reason codes |
rptdet | Report Detail Information |
rptmst | Report types and type information |
rtdet | Receipt transaction detail |
rtdet_status | All the statuses allowed for the rtdet table |
rtmst | R/Ts are receipt transactions - Purchase Orders are one type of receipt transaction |
rtmst_status | All the status codes allowed for the rtmst table |
rtn_ctn_det | Returns cartons (detail) |
rtn_ctn_mst | Return cartons (master) |
rt_type | C = corporate PO, D = departmental order, R = customer return, T = warehouse transfer |
seq_control | Sequence Order Drop Types by Warehouse, Carrier, Product group, etc |
serial | Track serial numbers for items that have the serial id flag set |
serial_history | Cross-reference of serial numbers to order detail |
shfmst | Contains all shifts |
shpdtl | Shipping Detail Table used for generation of shipping manifests |
shpmst | Table used for generation of shipping manifests |
stgmst | |
stntbl | Data about all RF stations + console |
suggested_movement | Table contains movement requests (for replenishments, production scheduling, etc) |
syspar_def | Parameter Defininition describing the purpose of the parameter |
syspar_type | Parameter Types by Module |
syspar_value | Parameter Value |
task | Contain information about tasks |
task_emp | Associates tasks to employees |
transactions | Everything important that happens in TWL is recorded in this table. It can be purged through EOD, but it is one of the largest and most active tables in the database. |
trans_type | Contains information about all transaction types that can be entered into the transaction table |
twlregistry | Holds all persistent settings for users |
twlvocbreaks | TWL VoCollect Breaks |
twlvocfuncs | TWL VoCollect Functions by Warehouse. Contains only active functions for the warehouse. Links to ao table twlvocfuncs. |
twlvocsettings | TWL VoCollect Settings |
twlvocuser | TWL VoCollect User Session Settings |
udcalc_type | User-Defined Calculation Types Table |
udcfg_type | User-Defined Configuration Types Table |
ud_calc | User-Defined Calculations Table |
ud_cfg | User-Defined Configuration Table |
uom | |
vendaddr | This table stores addresses for a vendor |
venddetail | Vendor detail information |
venmst | The master vendor table |
wave | Contain information about waves of orders released for picking together |
whmst | Master warehouse table |
wh_zone | All warehouse zones |
wllicense | License Information |
wlpasswd | Password Security Compliance Table |
Here is a set of screen shots for Identifiers and columns by cube (some cubes are consolidated into a master cube):
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