About Filters
Filters provide a way to narrow the data to see just the information needed. Filters applied at one drill down level will persist when drilling down to the next level, but will only filter the level at which it is applied.
Consider a report that is filtered on he column Sales Month to Date and the report is drilled down to Sales Rep. now the report is drilled down to Product. The filter on the column Sales Month to Date will persist, but it will only be applied to the Sales Rep level. If the Product level needs to be filtered, and additional filter must be added while drilled down to that drill down level.
Adding Filters
Filtering in Discover 11 is done from the column header. To add a filter, click on the header of the column you want to filter. From the pop-up menu, select Add Filter.
A new dialog will display, as shown below. The drop-down selection box on the left provides variations of Boolean (greater, lesser, equal) logic for your filter. Select the option you need from this selection box.
When a column has a filter, there will be an icon in the header to indicate its presence.
In the report breadcrumb, there will be an indication if there is filtering at each level of the drill down path.
The other field is a free text input box. Here is where you'll enter the value for your filter. If you are filtering on a numeric value, use the actual number (1..2..3) and not the name (one..two..three).
If you wish to add multiple filters, click the + to add icon on the far right. Doing so will add a second filter with the same options.
Adding multiple filter to a column will treat them ans an "And", meaning that all of the conditions of the filters must be met. There are no options at the moment for "Or" filtering.
Removing Filters
There are three ways to remove filters on a column that has been filtered. The first is to click on the column header and select Remove Filters. This will remove all filters at this level on this column.
The second method is to click the Modify Filters. This will bring up the filter dialog. Click the - next to the specific filter you wish to remove.
The third method is to click the Filtered label in the breadcrumb and select Remove Filters from the menu.
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