When searching this knowledge base, contacting MITS Support, or attending a MITS webinar, it is helpful to know the version of MITS Discover your company is currently running. Not all features are available on all versions of MITS Discover and some features may be located in a different place on different versions. Knowing what version you are working with will help you when seeking assistance.
There are two ways to quickly determine what version of MITS Discover your company is running.
The first is to look at the bottom of the login page prior to signing in. At the bottom, there are details about who this copy of MITS Discover is licensed to and it will list the specific version. We've marked it with a green arrow in this screenshot.
The second way to determine the version of MITS Discover is done while you are logged and assumes you have permission to access the Administration tab. While logged in, go to the Administration tab and click on the link in the menu for the Support Console.
In the menu for the Support Console, the MITS version information will be listed. Again, we've marked it with a green arrow in the screenshot below.
As with anything else, feel free to contact support@whitecupsolutions.com if you have questions about your version of MITS Discover.
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