- Date Range Columns provide the ability to create columns that display accumulated values based on the following standard calendar date ranges.
- Relative Year-to-Date
- Relative Years
- Relative Quarters
- Relative Months
- Absolute Year-to-date
- Absolute Years
- Absolute Quarters
- Absolute Months
- Absolute time spans refer to a specific period of time. For example, a column that displays data for year 2015 will always show information from year 2015, even in the year 2016 or beyond.
- Relative time spans refer to a period of time relative to the date of the most recent source update. Relative time spans move with time. For example, a "current year" column will always display data for the year when the source update was last run.
In addition to selecting the specific date range columns to display, you will also need to select the column that will accumulated and the date this will be based on. These selections are made at the top of the page.
There are two ways to add a date range column to a report: from within the Displayed Columns configuration tool or using one of the Insert Column options in the column menu of the report.
- Click the Add Date Range Columns link at the top or the bottom of the Current Columns
- Expand a grouping column and select a date
- Select the check box next to the date range(s) to The column will appear to the right in the Selected Date Range Columns list.
- Click Add Columns. If you added the column from the Displayed Columns tool, you will be returned there. Otherwise you will be returned to the report.
The new column will initially appear with zeroes in every cell. The column header will display the loading icon while the values for the new column are calculated. Once the values have been calculated, you will receive a notification prompt asking to like to reload the report. When the report has been reloaded, the values will appear in the new column based on the following criteria for each row of the report:
- If the value in the date column specified is within the date range specified, that value will be displayed.
- If the value in the date column specified is NOT within the date range specified, the new date range column will display 0.
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