The Calculated Columns feature of MITS Report provides the ability to create a column that displays the result of a date/time processing, arithmetic, or text processing function run against one or more pre-existing columns from a report source. There are three types of column functions available:
- Date/Time Processing functions provide options for creating columns that show different variations on the values in columns that are configured as DATE columns in the report source.
- Mathematical Processing functions provide options for creating columns that show the result of an arithmetic function performed against one or more numeric columns in the report source.
- Text Processing functions provide options for creating columns that show the result of some text processing function performed against a text column in the report source or a specified string.
Date/Time Processing Functions
Year and Month
Calculation Description: Provides the 4-digit year and 2-digit month from a date
Calculation Details: Year and month from date
Output Format: YYYY-MM
Column Value: 07/21/2009
Calculated Column Result: 2009-07
Numeric Month
Calculation Description: Provides the month number from a date
Calculation Details: Numeric Month from date
Output Format: M
Column Value: 07/21/2009
Calculated Column Result: 7
Calculation Description: Provides the year from a date
Calculation Details: Year from date
Output Format: YYYY
Column Value: 07/21/2009
Calculated Column Result: 2009
Day of Week
Calculation Description: Provides the named day of the week from a date
Calculation Details: Weekday from date
Output Format: (Weekday Name)
Column Value: 07/21/2009
Calculated Column Result: Tuesday
Day of Month
Calculation Description: Provides the numeric day of the month from a date
Calculation Details: Day-of-month from date
Output Format: ##
Column Value: 07/21/2009
Calculated Column Result: 21
Days Elapsed Between
Calculation Description: Determines the number of days that have elapsed between two dates
Calculation Details: Days between from_date and to_date, including from_date
Output Format: ##
"from_date" Column Value: 12/17/2009
"to_date" Column Value: 12/19/2009
Calculated Column Result: 2
Most Recent Date
Calculation Description: Horizontally compares the dates in two or more columns and provides the most recent date
Calculation Details: MostRecentDate(column1, column2, column3)
Output Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Column Value 1: 07/21/2009
Column Value 2: 01/05/10
Column Value 3: 12-29-2009
Calculated Column Result: 01/05/2010
Oldest Date
Calculation Description: Horizontally compares the dates in two or more columns and provides the oldest date
Calculation Details: OldestDate(column1, column2, column3)
Output Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Column Value 1: 07/21/2009
Column Value 2: 01/05/10
Column Value 3: 12-29-2009
Calculated Column Result: 07/21/2009
Mathematical Processing Functions
Calculation Description: Adds two numbers together
Calculation Details: number1 + number2
Column Value 1: 42
Column Value 2: 5
Calculated Column Result: 47
Calculation Description: Subtracts one number from another
Calculation Details: number1 - number2
Column Value 1: 42
Column Value 2: 5
Calculated Column Result: 37
Calculation Description: Multiplies two numbers
Calculation Details: number1 * number2
Column Value 1: 42
Column Value 2: 5
Calculated Column Result: 210
Calculation Description: Divides one number by another
Calculation Details: number1 / number2
Column Value 1: 42
Column Value 2: 5
Calculated Column Result: 8.4
Calculation Description: Horizontally averages the values in two or more columns (arithmetic mean)
Calculation Details: (column1 + column2 + ... + columnN) / N
Column Value 1: 42
Column Value 2: 5
Calculated Column Result: (42 + 5) / 2 = 23.5
Sum Multiple Columns
Calculation Description: Adds together two or more columns
Calculation Details: column1 + column2 + ... + columnN
Column Value 1: 42
Column Value 2: 5
Column Value 3: 1290
Calculated Column Result: 42 + 5 + 1290 = 1337
Rate of Change
Calculation Description: Provides the ratio of increase or decrease from one value to the next
Calculation Details: (value - previous_value) / previous_value
Column Value 1 (value): 42
Column Value 2 (previous_value): 5
Calculated Column Result: (42 - 5) / 5 = 7.4
Calculation Description: Raises the base value to the power of another value (exponentiation)
Calculation Details: (base) ^ power
Column Value 1 (base): 42
Column Value 2 (power): 5
Calculated Column Result: 42 ^ 5 = 130,691,232
Absolute Value
Calculation Description: Makes all values positive
Calculation Details: absolute value of number
Example #1:
Column Value 1: 42
Calculated Column Result: 42
Example #2:
Column Value 2: -5
Calculated Column Result: 5
Highest Number
Calculation Description: Horizontally compares the values in two or more columns and provides the highest number
Calculation Details: HighestNumber(column1, column2, column3, ...)
Column Value 1: 42
Column Value 2: 5
Calculated Column Result: 42
Lowest Number
Calculation Description: Horizontally compares the values in two or more columns and provides the lowest number
Calculation Details: LowestNumber(column1, column2, column3, ...)
Column Value 1: 42
Column Value 2: 5 Calculated Column Result: 5
Text Processing Functions
Calculation Description: Converts all letters to uppercase
Calculation Details: text to uppercase
Column Value: Blue
Calculated Column Result: BLUE
Calculation Description: Converts all letters to lowercase
Calculation Details: text to lowercase
Column Value: Blue
Calculated Column Result: blue
Calculation Description: Provides X characters beginning Y characters from the start
Calculation Details: length characters from text starting at character begin_index
text (column value): Blue720
begin index: 2
length: 4
Calculated Column Result: lue7
Calculation Description: Splits delimited text into pieces and provides the Nth piece. (The first piece is numbered as 1.)
Calculation Details: field piece_number of text when split on separator
text: Blue 3/4"
Organic separator: /
piece number: 2
Calculated Column Result: 4" Organic
(if "piece number" had been 1, the calculated column result would have been Blue 3)
Calculation Description: Replaces all occurrences of one value with another value
Calculation Details: Replaces text with other-text
text: Blue find: lue
replace with: rown
Calculated Column Result: Brown
First X Characters
Calculation Description: Provides the first X characters of text
Calculation Details: first number_of_characters characters of text
text: Organic
number of characters: 3
Calculated Column Result: Org
Last X Characters
Calculation Description: Provides the last X characters of text
Calculation Details: last number_of_characters characters of text
text: Replacement005
number of characters: 3
Calculated Column Result: 005
Strip First X Characters
Calculation Description: Removes the first X characters of text
Calculation Details: text - first number_of_characters characters
text: Replacement005
number of characters: 11
Calculated Column Result: 005
Strip Last X Characters
Calculation Description: Removes the last X characters of text
Calculation Details: text - last number_of_characters characters
text: Replacement005
number of characters: 3
Calculated Column Result: Replacement
Add Prefix
Calculation Description: Adds characters to the beginning of text
Calculation Details: ’prefix’ + text
text: 42 prefix: Blue
Calculated Column Result: Blue42
Add Suffix
Calculation Description: Adds characters to the end of text
Calculation Details: text + ’suffix’
text: 42 suffix: Blue
Calculated Column Result: 42Blue
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