- To begin the process of creating a new report, click the New Report
- The Change Report Library drop-down menu allows you to navigate to a different report Libraries are used to organize reports.
- The Tools menu provides access several advanced options.
- Create Report Library – Used to make a new library for saving and organizing reports.
- Modify Report Library – For changing the title and description of the currently selected library.
- Delete Library – To remove the currently selected library. Any reports in the library at that time will also be deleted.
- Import Report Definitions – Allows for importing of report definitions from an external file.
- Export Report Definitions - Used to export reports definitions to an external file.
- Configure Automatic Reports – A tool for setting up regularly scheduled emails of existing reports.
- Auto-Refresh dictates how often the status information on the Reports tab should be
- Click on any Report Title to view the report.
- The Source Info displays the source used for the report and the last date and time the source was updated.
- The Actions column allows for the ability to view, export, email, or delete a report right from the library view.
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