Sometimes you might need a little extra assistance to get what you want from MITS Report. That’s okay, we’re here to help. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using MITS Report.
- If any text or number is blue, you can click on it to learn more. In some cases, doing so may display an additional settings menu. In other cases, it may display links to supporting details. Where these links go depend on the specific item. Don’t be afraid to click and see where they go. Data exploration is at the heart of MITS products.
- Think about the question you are trying to answer rather than trying to replicate an existing report from another system. MITS Report is designed to help you find information from your ERP that you may not find otherwise. Before you create a report that will contain several thousand rows, consider who is going to actually look at all those rows and if it’s really going to answer the question being asked.
- Reports should generate actions. A good report should cause the reader to take action and investigate why a number is or isn’t what they think it should be. If you keep that in mind when building your reports, you’ll find your users are quicker to adopt and depend on those reports to make good decisions.
If you have questions along the way, the Support team at MITS is available to help answer them. Send an email to and someone will follow up to assist you.
Should you think of a feature that you’d like to see in a future version of MITS Report we’d love to hear about it. For those suggestions, send an email to
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