Configuring GreatAmerica Lease Import Module in Sherpa
Within Sherpa, select the Administration dropdown and click Control Panel.
Select Third Party Tools.
Select GALC. The GALC section appears.
4. Enter in the DealerID provided by GreatAmerica in the GALC DealerID field.
5. Enter GreatAmerica in the Description field. The description is what appears elsewhere in Sherpa. If no description is entered the, DealerID displays.
NOTE: You can not edit an existing DealerID. If you need to change this, delete the existing DealerID and enter the new value.
Configuring Users for GreatAmerica
Prior to using this functionality in Sherpa, GreatAmerica DealerIDs must be assigned to specific users for both credit applications and lease import.
Select the Administration dropdown, select Manage Users and click Add/Edit Users.
Double-click the user you wish to assign the DealerId to. The Edit User window appears.
Select GALC Dealer IDs.
Double-click the available DealerID within Available DealerIDs to assign it to the user. You can double-click assigned DealerIDs to remove them.
Lease Tracker Mapping
The next step is to configure the Lease Tracker Mapping for GreatAmerica. To do this:
In Sherpa, select Accounts.
Select the Modules dropdown and click Lease Tracker.
The Lease Tracker window appears. Select Mapping Tool.
The Lease Tracker Mapping Tool window appears. Select the API tab.
Select GreatAmerica from the APIs dropdown.
Select a GreatAmerica Dealer ID from the Connections dropdown.
The Links grid displays the field mapping for the Dealer ID you selected. You can select Delete to remove individual mappings. Selecting Remove Leases removes the leases for the current displayed mapping.
You can modify mappings by selecting a field within the Linked API Field column. The fields within the dropdown are based on the value in the Info column.
When finished, select Close.
If you had previously imported GreatAmerica leases using a spreadsheet, you will need to align the previously imported leases with the new mapping through the API so the reconciliation process will work properly. This is only applicable the first time you use the GreatAmerica API import. After you have created your mapping as outlined in step 8 above, click the Transfer button.In the window that pops up choose the mapping used to import GreatAmerica leases via spreadsheet from the From Mapping dropdown on the left. Choose your current API mapping in the To Mapping dropdown on the right. Then click Transfer:
Lease Import
Once the mapping is complete, you can perform the Lease Import. To perform this:
From the Lease Tracker window, select Import Leases.
The Lease Tracker Import window appears. Select the GreatAmerica Dealer ID from the Map dropdown. The Retrieve button enables, and the Leases to Add/Update window updates displaying the mapped fields.
Select Retrieve. The API begins the process of accessing data from GreatAmerica.
If this is the first import, the Leases without ERP Number will display all imported records since there is no ERP Number assigned. To assign the ERP Number, select Search ERP.
Auto Reconciliation
At the end of Import you will be given the option to Auto reconcile. This reconciliation performs a Lease Number and Serial Number match. This function also deactivates accounts that were previously imported but are not in the current import. To perform the Auto Reconciliation:
Within the Lease Tracker Import Window, select the Leases to auto reconcile in the Leases to Add/Update box. You can also select Check All to select all records.
Select Import.
Once the import completes, an Import Complete message appears indicating the process has completed successfully. Select OK.
A message appears prompting you to perform the auto reconciliation. Select Yes.
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